Help Sick Betta?


Fish Fanatic
Apr 22, 2008
Reaction score
This female I got a few weeks ago. She acts fine, eats, etc. But now she doesn't look herself.


I have other females with her and at this point in time they are fine. The one I brought at the same time as here as not changed only gotten more colour.

If anyone can tell me if she is fine or what, that would be great.


P.S. I'm thinking about putting her in her own tank.
i would put her in her own tank. it'll be easier to treat and less stressful on er and her tank mates (saves treating a whole tank)

that to me looks like bloat, but could be constipation. have you fed her crushed pea at all? what is her regular diet, as alot of bloodworm can constipate fish

I think I have seen someone say a salt or epsom bath?

anyway, this will bump it to the top for someone to be able to help better.
that really does look like dropsy and not just bloating becasue the scales along her back are sticking up (and not just around her fat tumm).
if that is the case, there isnt really much you can do. try separating her into her own tank and giving antibiotics along with epsom salt baths 2X/day. to do the baths, use 1 tbsp/5 gal of water of epsom salt(can pick them up at any pharmacy or grocery store). leave her in the bath for up tp 30 minutes at a time. chances are this wont really work as true dropsy is 100% fatal.
is she still eating? hiding a lot? loss of ballance? have you seen her poop? did it look normal or white/stringy/mucousy?
also in the meantime feed some cooked deshelled chopped up peas in case it is just bloat/constipation.
good luck with her.
Thanks everyone.

However this morning I woke and she had passed away. The other fish are having a close eye on them to make sure they are ok.

Thanks everyone again.
Sorry to hear ur fish passed away :sad:
I thought it was dropsy 1st time I saw it. Hope everybody else is OK in ur tank. Dropsy's deadly, hopefully none of my Bettas get them.
Everyone at this point in time is fine. I'm down to two females in the tank now. Hoping the do not pick on each other to much. Because I dont now when I'll fine more I like. It took me a long time to fine them. All the tanks again everyone.
So did you only have 3 females in together? Because that isn't really a good number of females to have. I don't think that this is the direct cause if it is the case but I don't think if you only had 3 that it would of helped either.
Yer I had 3. I was waiting to find more I like.

Can neon's or catfish get it?
yeah, possibly.

I have a sorority of 10 girls with one single guppy lol

catfish i assume you mean cories? they can go in too, just watch the bettas dont chase them, i have a boy who makes a sport out of chasing the poor beggars

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