Help Shrimp Keep Dieing


New Member
Jan 12, 2009
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Hi to you all i am new to all of this .
Anyway i have trouble keeping cherry shrimp as soon as i put them in my tank they die within half an hour saying that i have five cherry shrimp in the tank and they are ok ,i have checked all my water stats and they all seem fine i did put more in last week and they have all dead if anyone can help i would be very graiteful
Normally shrimp arent tolerant of copper-have you any plants that have been treated in a solution containing copper? Always maintain top quality water as shrimps cant tolerant the slightest trace of ammonia.
Normally shrimp arent tolerant of copper-have you any plants that have been treated in a solution containing copper? Always maintain top quality water as shrimps cant tolerant the slightest trace of ammonia.
hi i do have plants but none have been treated also ammonia reading is zero
Have you anything attacking them? Have you done a recent water change and not added water conditioner? Did you use any warm water from a hot water tank? Check anything you have added to your tank does not contain any metals or traces of copper. check your aeration too.
Are you acclimatizing them.

IE: leaving them in the bag for 15-20 mins and adding a bit of your tank water into the bag to adjust the PH?
i always treat my water with tetra aquasafe i dont have any aeration when i put the last lot of shrimp in they sort of jumped around and then died they also done the same in my other tank the only thing that is the same in both tanks is the bottom is coral sand
You didn't answer my question?

Are you putting them strait in the tank out of the bag?

Sorry I was a bit too quick on the keyboards.
hi yes i always acclimatize any fish or shrimp i put in the tank
Do you add tank water in stages when acclimatizing them?

If they die within 30 mins of putting them in you should be able to take them back to the store.

Some thing is very wrong for them to die that quick, if you have shrimp all ready in your tank.

The Red Cherry Shrimp is the hardiest shrimp in the freshwater aquarium shrimp hobby.

I'm not expert in keeping shrimp, but i've never had the situation of them dieing after 30 mins.

Try putting this in emergency section too
yes always in stages i didnt know if it was the coral sand i have also bought them from differant shops and always the same they die within 30 mins i just sit and watch them die they just sort of jump in mid water and then die
Going frantic doesn't sound normal. There must be something in your water that the shrimps don't like very much. I notice that your nitrAte reading is zero. Is your tank cycled? Shrimps are too sensitive to be put into an uncycled or newly cycled tank.

Also, if you're taking the dead shrimps back to your LFS. Take some tank water with you and ask them to test for any copper for you.
sorry nitrate is 5.0 i will take water to lfs the weekend what i dont understand is why i have five cherry shrimp that are ok

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