Help Sex My New Bolivians?


Fish Herder
Oct 13, 2012
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Hello everybody! Well you know how it goes, I took a trip to my LFS today to purchase a bn pleco for my new tank, and instead came home with a pair (i hope) of bolivians. In my defense, I have been doing research about them for a little over a month now lol  I've read up on sexing them, and I really believe I have a male and female. I would be shocked if they are both males bc they get along so well. but they could be both females, still I don't think so, but i would like everyone's opinion just to make sure :) 
Here they are:

fish #1 (pretty sure male)

#1 again

#2 female

#2 again

#2 again.
Thanks in advance for any help/input.

ps I know my tiger barbs are fat. and my trash bag background is 1. temporary and 2. does not look nearly as horrid in person, my camera flash is quite mean.
I am not 100% sure but I think they might both be females.  The pictures of fish number two are a little blurry so it is hard to identify its sex.  But for the first fish, this is my reasoning: no spinal elongation on the dorsal fin nor extensions on the tail fin, a rounded rather than sliver-like ventrical. I think the same can be said about the second fish as well, though.  If, however, I am reading the pictures wrong [the black spines disappear, forexample, against the bag-ground on first pictures], and it is the exact opposite, then you have yourself a male.
Sorry I cannot be any more helpful...
i think the 2nd one is for sure female. the first one has 2 black spikes to the front of the dorsal, but i know thats not a 100% way to tell. They're still so small too. #1 also has points on the tail that look like they might get longer... maybe i should just wait and see, and if they're both female i can always pic up a male later. Atleast it's not two males. They weren't in the best shape at the store, I can't believe how much they've colored up already, and i really like them both :wub: and atleast I can tell they're happy :) Thanks for the input, i wish i could get a better pic, maybe Ill try later tonight.
Even if they are two males, they'll be fine :)

With no ladies to argue over they will pick out their own territory in the tank and live happily ever after. My two boys hang out together all the time and then suddenly realise it's not manly and one chases the other off hehe. I love watching them defend their spaces from each other, it's all harmless and they are really quite mild mannered fish and mostly just do a lot of posturing :)

They are fantastic fish, good luck with them!
well great. lol how will i know if i can add any or what to add then haha. I guess i will just wait and see. its just that they look so different from each other... i really do love them though :)
At this point you could just add some if you wanted more and watch them for a pair to form or keep them all as a group - saying that, I know nothing about your tank setup lol
i have a 60 gallon (4 footer). I have a small group of barbs (9 altogether, soon to be 6) and 4 angels (1 med. 3 tiny). I do have a lot of bottom feeders and do plan on getting more, but I could still easily get another ram, thats why i was wondering what I have now. I guess it doesnt matter if i have two females, they both look awesome , i just dont want any aggression issues. my lfs is 30 minutes one way so it would be a pain to have to bring one back, plus i hate having to do that to the fish. We'll see how these two get along. Im really thinking #1 is a male, i think the points on the tail fin look like they might start to grow.  You tank is absolutely lovely btw, the bogwood cave is amazing, i've been looking for a piece just like that for a long time lol. what are the plants you have in the front corners?? love the dark substrate too, i decided to go the cheap route and use playsand, i like it though but still, the dark is best imo. 
So, I've been looking at my mating pair and this is what I found: the caudal fin is elongated in both the male and the female but the male is very much so; likewise the end of the dorsal fin is pointed in both cases although the male's is much longer; and then front spins of the dorsal fin is also slightly raised but not as much as the male, whose is not particularly raised either.  The only thing that really makes it clear is the ventricle tube, which in a female is rounded while in a male is pointed, thin, and swept back.  That is what I did not and do not see.  And the more I think about it, the more I think they are both females.  I could post a picture of mine for you to compare to, if you would like.  But it is all about the ventricle.  I love mine.  More than I ever thought that I would.  Beautiful in an understated way.  As Alm0stAmazing said, good luck with them.
Thank you for the info! the more I think about it, i think i have two females as well, which is not a bad thing. I can always pick up a male after the females have settled. I know what you mean about them being beautiful in an understated way, i really do. They move differently and behave so differently from all of my other fish. I am really so happy I decided to take them home :wub: it's exciting...

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