Help Saltwater Aquirium


New Member
Sep 6, 2005
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basically im looking about setting up about a 30gal marine tank
i cant find anywhere telling me exactly what i want for a marine tank
i relise i need a tank, live rock, ocean sand,

but as far as filters etc. im a little unsure

also could someone give me a rough estimate on what it would cost

it would be greatly appreicated

G'day Mate,

Well sounds like you have alot to ask...Your best bet would be to do searches on each question you have.

Eg what lights you want?

Water types?

Fish types and things like this.

Lots and lots of info on here! it's a wonderfull site for help.

As for cost...this will come down to how wild you want it but also don't be fooled even Nano tank's are a costly excersise!
basically im looking about setting up about a 30gal marine tank
i cant find anywhere telling me exactly what i want for a marine tank
i relise i need a tank, live rock, ocean sand,

but as far as filters etc. im a little unsure

also could someone give me a rough estimate on what it would cost

it would be greatly appreicated


You said marine, do you mean fish and corals, or just fish? If its just fish with live rock, then it is questionable whether or not you would want a protein skimmer. Some say yes, but it isnt completely necessary.

You would need

canister filter
fluorescent lighting, maybe actinic also, your choice
aragonite and live sand

The cost would take a while to figure out...
G'day Mate,

Well sounds like you have alot to ask...Your best bet would be to do searches on each question you have.

Eg what lights you want?

Water types?

Fish types and things like this.

Lots and lots of info on here! it's a wonderfull site for help.

As for cost...this will come down to how wild you want it but also don't be fooled even Nano tank's are a costly excersise!
well had my 55 gal tank now for about 3 months and has cost me well over £1300 already which includes tank, rock , power heads , skimmer , filter, lights, and some stock. even when u think u have finished it still costs loads in food for your coral,fish, test kits, water etc. so think before u buy.

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