New Member
I have a small 20Gallon (80Litres) community tank with approximently 18 fish all living peacefully in a oasis i have created for the past year, peacefully that was until the last 2 weeks that its.
Tank conisists of:
1 Gold Gourami
4 neon Tetras
2 Columbian tetras
1 Blacknight ghost fish
1 Rainbow shark
1 Albino upside down catfish
3 Guppies
1 Black neon
2 Triangle shapped with long black fin tetras have no clue of theyre names
2 Suckling catfish
There also was, 2 Snails (now deceased)
Up until 2 weeks ago the fish have been getting along fine, they all stuck to theyre own part of the tank, the Gourami did bully alot of fish and it was territorial however it hasnt killed any fish.
Approximently 3 months ago my 2 snails died, it seemd the suckling catfish stuck to them and ate them is my best guess as i seen 1 of em eating it but i did not witness the action thus the murders of the snails could have been commited by any fish and been suckling cast fish scavengers of the tank it may be a possibily they were there to feast on the tasty remains of theyre fellow sea creatures.
2 Weeks ago a green substance has appeared on the glass of my tank on one side, this substance has also appeared on a lovely shipwreck which lays on the bottom of the tank floor and on a wonderfully colored rock which teh fish love to swim thru and about it.
It is in specks all over the above mentioned areas, my guess it could be algae? but then again it maybe moss or mold or something I do not know as it is why i am writing this to enquire and brush up on my knowledge of this wonder.
Secondly, the suckling catfish which use to stick to the glass all day and feed lavishly off it have stopped doing so since this green stuff appeared, I have also noticed that they seem to be attaching themselves allot to my gourami and they have been chasing it around the tank allot, this they never use to do.
Alot of the fish have now become territorial, living in harmony for so long i notice that they now continue to chase each other.
My tank contains a italian made filter/air pump with a charcoal bah and sponge, i cleaned this 2 weeks ago and replaced it with a new charcoal bag. My tank also has a filter under the gravel and on that same system of filter a seperate hose which leads under the gravel miracasouly airs the tank by blowing bubbles through it.
I am completely baffled at what could be wrong, i have tried algae remover and its still there, i am thinking my last resort to clean the whole tank again but i may lose alot of beloved fish in doing so with a major water change.
Also would it work if i got a clean chux cloth and just wiped it off with my hand in the tank or is that a no no??
The Gourami and black tetras eyes are also very very red, other fish do not seem to have this redness around the eyes.
Thankyou in advance to all Tropical Fish Forum users who reply to my dillema in advanced, it is greatly appreciated.
PS: PH came up to around 6.5-7.0 which should be normal.
Ammonia was NOT present, considering the ammonia test came up clean I am presuming that nitrate and nitrite should also be a negative?
Tank conisists of:
1 Gold Gourami
4 neon Tetras
2 Columbian tetras
1 Blacknight ghost fish
1 Rainbow shark
1 Albino upside down catfish
3 Guppies
1 Black neon
2 Triangle shapped with long black fin tetras have no clue of theyre names
2 Suckling catfish
There also was, 2 Snails (now deceased)
Up until 2 weeks ago the fish have been getting along fine, they all stuck to theyre own part of the tank, the Gourami did bully alot of fish and it was territorial however it hasnt killed any fish.
Approximently 3 months ago my 2 snails died, it seemd the suckling catfish stuck to them and ate them is my best guess as i seen 1 of em eating it but i did not witness the action thus the murders of the snails could have been commited by any fish and been suckling cast fish scavengers of the tank it may be a possibily they were there to feast on the tasty remains of theyre fellow sea creatures.
2 Weeks ago a green substance has appeared on the glass of my tank on one side, this substance has also appeared on a lovely shipwreck which lays on the bottom of the tank floor and on a wonderfully colored rock which teh fish love to swim thru and about it.
It is in specks all over the above mentioned areas, my guess it could be algae? but then again it maybe moss or mold or something I do not know as it is why i am writing this to enquire and brush up on my knowledge of this wonder.
Secondly, the suckling catfish which use to stick to the glass all day and feed lavishly off it have stopped doing so since this green stuff appeared, I have also noticed that they seem to be attaching themselves allot to my gourami and they have been chasing it around the tank allot, this they never use to do.
Alot of the fish have now become territorial, living in harmony for so long i notice that they now continue to chase each other.
My tank contains a italian made filter/air pump with a charcoal bah and sponge, i cleaned this 2 weeks ago and replaced it with a new charcoal bag. My tank also has a filter under the gravel and on that same system of filter a seperate hose which leads under the gravel miracasouly airs the tank by blowing bubbles through it.
I am completely baffled at what could be wrong, i have tried algae remover and its still there, i am thinking my last resort to clean the whole tank again but i may lose alot of beloved fish in doing so with a major water change.
Also would it work if i got a clean chux cloth and just wiped it off with my hand in the tank or is that a no no??
The Gourami and black tetras eyes are also very very red, other fish do not seem to have this redness around the eyes.
Thankyou in advance to all Tropical Fish Forum users who reply to my dillema in advanced, it is greatly appreciated.
PS: PH came up to around 6.5-7.0 which should be normal.
Ammonia was NOT present, considering the ammonia test came up clean I am presuming that nitrate and nitrite should also be a negative?