Help Regarding Frontosa's


Fish Herder
Jun 16, 2006
Reaction score
buckinghamshire, high wycombe
Hi, i have just aquired 3x1.5" frontosa's that i plan to add too and grow on for a future project, i am planning a 6ft tank with maybe afew haps or might add my paratilapia polleni with them.
But in the meantime i have them in a 65gal with 4 yellow labs, 2 acei yellow tails and 3 zebras (all these fish are still young 1-2")
How long can the frontosa's stay with these fish before i need to rehouse them, there doesn't seem to be any aggression or feeding issues at moment, and i would rather wait till they get abit bigger before removing them, will this be ok or are the fish likely to be unhappy.
This is there temporary home



Advice appreciated Angel
Mbuna generally start hitting sexual maturity around the 2.5" mark and that's when you'll start to see real aggression. So, I'd say you could keep the frontosas in very short term, like no more than a month tops, just keep an extremely close eye on them, and if you see any bullying, move them.
Thanks, i will keep an eye on them, i do have a spare 3ft and 4ft if i need to move them. Is a trio of fronts ok or will i need to get a bigger group as they get bigger.
regards Angel
I'd make it so that you have 12 total. I know it's impossible to sex them at an early age but what I did was get 20 of them and trade the biggest one every 3 months. It's not a sure way of achieving that ratio but it worked for me. A 6ft tank would better, if possible.

I agree with dthoffsett, the mbuna will be aggressive with them and will give stress to those fronts. Fronts are gentle giants, in my opinion, and move much slower than mbuna. I think the added activity in the mbuna tank alone will stress them out.

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