Help re-starting Iheim external filter after clean


New Member
May 11, 2004
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Hello all,

I just finished changing the water on my 75g fresh water tank. When I was unplugging the filter I forgot to close one of the valves and some water poured out.

I cleaned everything and now after trying to re-install it it won't start.
I am thinking that maybe I lost some pressure, I don't know but I need to get the filter going pretty quick.
I can hear the pump going but I can see the water in the hose not moving......

Can someone provide me some pointers...
I've done that before with Eheims. Make sure the filter is unplugged. Take the output out of the tank & drain it. Leave it empty, above water level, but facing towards the tank because water will be coming out. Leaving the intake in the tank, start it syphoning & shut the valve when the hose is filled. Attach both hoses, leaving the output above water level. Open the intake valve, water will syphon into the filter, air will exit through the output. When the water level rises to the tank level in the output hose, secure the output & plug it back in.

It usually works first try, sometimes it takes a couple tries with older, gunkier filters.

If that doesn't work, try cleaning the impeller & lines, restart the same way. It's the method I use to start mine after cleaning.

so, I have unplugged the out put and left it in the tank..

Now, you are saying start syphoning from the output hose left on the filtter until that hose is filled?
You want the output above the water level of the tank, above the tank so that when the air comes through any droplets of water don't land on the floor. Nothing but air in the output, including the end that is out of the water.

You are correct, syphon on the intake until it fills & close the valve, then attach it to the intake of the filter. atttach the output line to the output of the filter, make sure the output is out of the water but above the tank & open both lines.

Thank you very much!! I got it to work....
I appreciate all you help in giving me the necessary steps...

What a relief ! ! :D
Glad I could help, Eheim filters last seemingly forever, but they do have the occasional glitch.

Besides getting them started, the occasional plugged line or hung impeller is the biggest problem. After many years of operation, or a few years in a tank with sand substrate you may need a new impeller & shaft, other than that a good cleaning keeps them running.


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