
Fish Gatherer
Dec 11, 2003
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New Hampshire, USA
:-( I'm just so stunned! I looked at my tank and gasped when I saw my balloon molly stuck to the filter! I quickly unplugged the filter and sadly watched her float down to the bottom. I suddenly realized something was wrong! I did an instant examin over her and discovered the problem. Her eyeball is clearly out of it's socket! It looks like the filter suction pulled her eye out and now it's bulging out. I have to say, I'm on the verge of tears. It tears my heart to see her in this horrible condition and I don't want her to suffer. What should I do next? Please I need quick advice. Any solutions to help this poor little girl? :-(
Hmm... I looked on google and this is what I found. Look at the last one under remedies. It may not be what you're looking for, but it does say for mechanical injuries (w/e that means)
:sad: I don't know if it's Popeye. How is it caused because she popped her eye out as a result from the filter suction?
I think the eye socket inflames and the eyes pop out just not all the way for popeye. I think salt is a really good healer for external disorder thingys. Just put in 1 tsp. per tank gallon in a hospital tank.
just chop its head off if you want to end its suffering. you do not know the extent of the damage done and considering it might not live, or might not live a normal life, maybe it's the best this way
:-( Too late! She died through the night. I placed her in my second breeder net to protect her from both the other fish and the filter. When I woke up, there she was laying on the bottom with no breath left in her. I feel so sad! I'm filled with mixed emotions because I decided to turn the filter power on high. The fish were at the surface of the water so I assumed they weren't getting enough air. I wanted to turn the filter to the maxium power just for an hour to pump more oxygen into the water. I forgot to turn it down, like I usually do ,and poor, innocent Mindy was helpless against the suction. I really feel like crying, but I know she's in heaven, happy and peaceful. :-( :-(

I could never kill one of my fish if they were injured. I often thught about a way to end their suffering, but I would feel so sad to actually do it. I have seen so many of my fish pass away and if they're really bad and I think that there is no hope for them, I ask God to let it die. I know that sounds weird, but it works and he listens. I miss Mindy so much! :-( :-(
IM sorry to hear about that :rip: it was prpbaly popeye the eye didnt explode did it if it did it could disease the other fish!!
I'm so sorry! :-( I know what it feels like to lose fish. When I just started my 20 gal. there was a swim bladder epidemic going around and I lost some fish I had had for a long time. It's amazing how people bond with their fish. Here's a thought: If you haven't allready burried, flushed, or creamated Mindy here's something that I did with one of my creamsickle mollys: get a flowerpot and some seeds, put in some dirt and then put in the dead fish, put on another layer of dirt and then plant the seed, put more dirt on top of the seed. As the fish decomposes it fertilizes the seed making it grow. When the plant dies it will make more seeds and you can replant those so it will be like Mindy is living on, only in a different way.
~Sea Monster~
Thank you all for your comforting words. I still miss my little Mindy, but I'll soon part from these sad feelings as time goes by. Every time I get a new fish, I try not to get attach, but it just so hard. You really bond with them and it's hard to let go. They look up to you as their keeper, the one who cares for them and creates their whole world. I really appreciated your kind words in this time of sorrow. ;)

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