

New Member
Aug 25, 2004
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Hey im new to these forums and i was just wonderin if anyone can help me with my fish they jsut seem to keep diein i bought 7 fish last week becuase i jsut got a new tank and my black molly gave birth i managed 2 get 6 of them in a breeding net and they all died then after that the mum molly just died then one of my guppies died 2day and now my white mollie isnt actin normal can anyone telle me why they r diein?i might be overfeeding them im not sure. does anybody know what those shrimp things u can get for your tank they r like a browny colour and have 6 legs then like 4 snipper things i dont know how to explain.
OK, one thing at a time. You need to give us some more info before we can try and help.

Your tank:
Do you know what your levels of ammonia, nitrate and nitrite are?
How long has your tank been set up and how long have you had the fish in there?
Is the tank cycled?what are you feeding the fish, how much and how often?

I'm afraid I have no idea about the shrimp.
no i dnt know about the nitrate and that lot i havnt got the tests yet but the supplier where i got my fish tank and fish from tested the water and said it was fine. i have bin feeding them about 2 flakes per fish 3 times a day i got the fish on saturday and i got the tank the saturday before. im feeding them flake food its for goldfish but the man said that goldfish flakes are the same as tropical flakes.
hate to say it but it sounds like your tank is still cycling. wait another 2 weeks before adding fish and only after you have tested the water yourself and your levels are at 0.
jenny124 said:
no i dnt know about the nitrate and that lot i havnt got the tests yet but the supplier where i got my fish tank and fish from tested the water and said it was fine. i have bin feeding them about 2 flakes per fish 3 times a day i got the fish on saturday and i got the tank the saturday before. im feeding them flake food its for goldfish but the man said that goldfish flakes are the same as tropical flakes.
You might find this thread helpful as well; it saved me a lot of heartache and dead fish!

"Avoiding and Treating New Tank Syndrome"
Hi I agree it sound as if you are still cycling and testing can be very important at this time.

When you've read the link in the above thread you may find this link helpful it shows my tank when it went through its cycle. You will see that the parameters change when fish are added and will continue to do so until the tank has matured. You can also see when the parameters spiked that I needed to do water changes. Remember you tank results will not be the same but it may give you some idea of they type of things that will happen for you. Test and water changes will save your fish from dying. Here's the link

I suggest you get tests for at least PH Ammonia Nitrite and Nitrate and never buy more that 6 fish at a time, less if you can.

Sorry to hear about the deaths, :( good luck and let us know how you get along. :D
jenny124 said:
no i dnt know about the nitrate and that lot i havnt got the tests yet but the supplier where i got my fish tank and fish from tested the water and said it was fine. i have bin feeding them about 2 flakes per fish 3 times a day i got the fish on saturday and i got the tank the saturday before. im feeding them flake food its for goldfish but the man said that goldfish flakes are the same as tropical flakes.
You are overfeeding: fish should not be fed more than 2 times a day. And goldfish flkes are not the same as tropical flakes, that's why they have different boxes. Get a test kit, wait for your tank to cycle, and add fish slowly at a rate of 2-4 fish per week, depending on the size of the fish.
thnxs guys you have helped me alot!!ill get the salt tomorrow!

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