Help Plz


Fish Fanatic
Jan 8, 2012
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i am getting a 4ft tank the bloke im getting it of has it sat on 2 inch thick polystyrene which looks really ugly and not very safe for my little kids as they will pick it can anybody help ie were to buy a black tray stand thing lol . can i just sit it on carpet instead thanks
The polystyrene will be necessary to prevent the tank from cracking, which carpet won't do. If you have kids who are likely to pick at it, you could get some fancy wood trimming from your local DIY store to cover up the edges, as it's unlikely you'd find one of the trays in the exact right size for your tank.

I'd suggest just running some tape around the edge, but I suspect your kids would pick at that too.
yeah never thought about boxin it in cheers

my eldest is 3 she would be ok but my 1 year old is full of mischeif
I have polystyrene that my tank sits on, and I have taped all around the edges of it to prevent bits falling off or it snapping.
There is never a reason to use that much poly under a tank. If you have the type of tank that requires a styrene cushion for the bottom glass, a simple 1 cm layer would be plenty. What you are trying to do is avoid any localized stresses in the bottom glass. Any irregularities that would be felt through a layer even 1 cm thick would be obvious and could be readily removed.
Agree with OM47, you don't need anymore thickness than what he describes. That should make it more stable and easier to hide with some tape or other trim cover.

cheers guys got it all boxed in now . so will it matter that i have so much under mine or will it b ok . thanks dan
The extra will give you a bit of insulation so your heating bill will be a tiny bit smaller.
or good we like saving money if we can lol

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