Help Plz!


New Member
Oct 6, 2007
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I have 3 medium size parrot fish in my 55 gallon tank. Baby parrot fish died last night! I had to treat it with ich, ich is gone started to use salt in my water. But before all of this happened my water was dusty before during and after the ich. What can i be? ... I have the Emperor 400 biofilter, and a air stone curtain...looks like all little dust particles floatings around the water isnt too clear either. any ideas of what it can be?
here is a short video that you can view of my tank:
short video:

it just looks like dirty water, like after you shake up all the gravel with the gravel cleaner thing... surely it should settle down ?
as long as your filter works and is sufficient for the size of your tank it should be fine.

if i was you, do a 25% water change, and obviously de clorify the water
maybe a build up of amonia or nitrates killed the parrot?
im not too sure. but yeah a waterchange would be good and couldnt possibly do anything but good =)
did a 25% water change, water looked better next day back to the same dandruff look
Have you cycled the tank?
Yes i cycled the tank, I have the emperor 400 biofilter.... how high should my water level be??? tonight i moved the filter to the left of the tank..before the air stone curtain bubbles were goin into the filter... looks like its already clearing up maybe the bubbles werent letting the junk get sucked into the filter too good.

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