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Jan 18, 2005
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Kent, UK
I have re-posted this because I think I put it in the wrong category (chit-chat).

Advice needed please. About one month ago I treated my livebearer tank because the 2 male guppies and one female had finrot I treated for 8 days (taking the carbon out of the filter) with Mxyazin and I thought it had done the trick. Its back in the same 3 fish, but I dont know how to deal with it. I have no other tank to treat them in. I also have 3 guppies and 2 platys ready to give birth, one platy had fry yesterday and I also have 3 older guppy fry. I dont want to put them a risk Should I give another Myxazin treatment? What else can I do. All my water paramaters are fine except a Ph 8.

If you have no scaless fish add some salt to the tank one tablespoon to 5 gal, retreat again, also you could do a salt bath with the affected fish one tablespoon to a gal, leave them in the salt bath for 5 minutes, keep an eye on them if they start acting weird remove them, do three or more salt baths aday, good luck.
:-( Here goes.

Ammonia 0 ppm
Nitrites 0 ppm
Nitrates 5 ppm
Ph 8.0

Took carbon back out yesterday and re-started Myxazin. I have 4 young yellow wag platy's from same batch (never affected by the fin rot). 3 female and 1 male. 1 gave birth to first fry yesterday (other 2 ready to give birth any day). The one that gave birth is now either sitting on the gravel or floating at the surface, not eating, and being nipped by the other fish :angry: Could she be exhausted from the birth and perhaps dying, or could it be the re-introduction of the myxazin. Should I just wait and see?

p.s. I did a 30% water change on Wednesday and added an airline and bubble disc to aerate (because the tank is heavily planted)

:byebye: I think she's going to die. Looking pretty lifeless. One of the other still pregnant females is also resting on the bottom (perhaps birth is imminent?). I feel helpless.

Sad to say but they can die shortly after giving birth, its quite common.
:-( I looked for her 10 minutes ago and could not see her :( She was stuck in my air pump bubble disc!) Not much else to say :byebye: Feeling pretty sad.

Thats awful, sorry for your loss.
:sad: Well, my other platys are looking pretty lifeless now as well!

Tested my water this morning.

Ammonia 0.5 ppm (due to lack of carbon in filter?)
Nitrites 0 ppm
Nitrates 5 ppm
Ph 7.8

Water does not seem to warrant the behaviour of my platys surely? It isnt just the females, it is the male as well. They are just hiding or sitting on the bottom. What am I doing wrong? This is day 3 of the Myxazin for fin rot in the guppies which dont seem to be improving either.

I would do a water change, but dont want to upset the concentration of Myxazin. I did not have this problem the last time the tank was treated (about 6 weeks ago).

Could it be something else wrong, I have only been keeping fish for a year, but have never experienced problems like this! :huh:
Do a water change you have ammonia reading, if it's not clearing up, you might need to use anti internal bacteria med.
I did a 20% water change earlier, but am concerned as I am using the fin rot treatment, and obviously I have now diluted it! I also added Sera Ammovec and Nitrivec to try and boost the friendly bacteria with the lack of carbon in the filter. I was told that my ammonia would probably rise as I have to take the carbon out during treatment. How am I supposed to treat the fin rot without putting the water and all fish at risk? Please can someone tell me how to deal with this without putting my fish in danger? My guppy's tail is split/shredded and has a white and red edge to it (I am assuming that this is actually fin rot) :unsure: I dont want to euthanase him unless I really have to :-(

p.s. Can I treat for internal bacteria whilst treating the finrot?

Septicemia has set in with the red edge to the tail, hard to cure you will need to add anti internal bacteria med quickly, can you issolate the fish, forget the finrot med in the main tank, do a water change and run some black carbon for a day to remove meds, then retreat with anti internal bacteria can do water changes if stats get out of contol but replace the correct amount of med back to the water you have removed.

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