Help Please


New Member
Aug 24, 2004
Reaction score
Illinois, near St. Louis
(also posted on gourami board)

Hi, I have a dwarf flame gourami who has been fine for the past 2 months that I've had him, but now he's suddenly become very pale and listless. Found him laying on his side on the bottom of the tank and thought he was gone, but then realized he was breathing, albeit slowly. A bit later he was up at about midpoint in the tank, but really looking ill.

I cannot give you all the water parameters because after doing a bunch of testing over the past weekend, I realized that some of my testing supplies are no longer registering accurate amounts. I have a 26 gal bowfront with said gourami, several various tetras (flame, lemon, neon), some harlequin raspboras, and some cherry barbs. Everyone getting along just fine. One thing I do know is that the pH is through the roof. Something about our water here that the pH goes up to like 8.6 - 8.8. However, most of my fish seem to have acclimated just fine and seem healthy. I do not have an RO/DI, my neighbor has an RO, but even after running water through it, after a couple of days sitting the pH rose to 8.0. Let's see, what else...oh, I did about a 25% water change about 5 days ago when I moved the tank from the basement to the living room. After the move I noted that I had a neon who was very pale as well and I lost him. Temp stays at about 78 degrees. They get fed once a day. Everybody else in the tank is extremely colorful and active and eating well. Any thoughts for me? (will be getting an RO/DI fairly soon as I will be starting up a saltwater reef tank soon)
When they go pale it's a sign of stress, it probably could be your water, any signs of illness like fungus,spots swelling,flicking and rubbing against things.
Nope, none of the above symptoms. He has really been just fine, great color and eating well up until yesterday when he first started seeming a little sluggish. Now, when I get home today he is mostly white with some pale orange towards the tail. Oh, and no new tankmates either. No spots or signs of ich.
If the other fish are ok it can't be water problems, can you issolate the fish and try anti internal bacteria med.
I'm digging out my spare tank (aka hospital tank) right now. I don't have any meds handy and won't be able to get any this evening, tomorrow at the earliest.
Maybe just add some aquarium salt to the hospital tank, good luck, keep an eye on the others just to make sure it isn't your water.
I posted in the gourami forum - it could be the first sign of dropsy.

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