Help Please!


New Member
Jan 20, 2011
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I had to drain our tank yesterday as it had sprung a leak. It is now sealed and filling but all the fish are crammed into a tiny 45 litre tank and I am worried about leaving them too long. As long as I get the water up to temperature and chlorine free can they go back in? I left the filter as it was (although it is really due a rinse) as I understand this will help it all to cycle more quickly. Should I be doing anything else?
Many thanks,
Sealant drying is more important then the fish crammed into a small tank for a little while. Think how they are imported and exported that is a very confined space with a very high population density in those circumstances. By letting the silicone dry properly then you won't have to do it again fingers crossed for a number of years.
if you've kept the filter wet then it will stay almost exactly the same as it was before and lose very little of the bacteria it has within it. Changing all the water will not make you 'cycle' again as the water holds very little, if any, of the ammonia & nitrite eating bacteria.
10% of the bacteria every 24 hours is the rule of thumb. The bacteria will grow at 30% every 24 hours so its not something to worry about.

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