Help Please!!!


New Member
Feb 16, 2004
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Sulphur Springs, TX
I have an Oscar about 7 or 8 inches(saved him from my mother) Well, he has been doing just fine for the past 4 to 6 weeks and I have given him several tankmates---anyway---one of the tankmates is(was) a 5 to 6 inch Pictus catfish. They have been fine together---well today I came home from work and the catfish's tail is hanging out of Oscar's mouth. :( So I get a pair of tongs and try to remove it with him swimming all over the tank. All I managed to get was the tail :sick: . Anyway, after a more careful observation, I saw that the barbs(or whatever they are called) the hard pokey things on the catfish, are stuck out the sides of Oscar's jaw and chin. I don't know whether to stress him more by catching him and holding him to cut them loose or the just see if it adventually gets swallowed. He is swimming around now with his mouth open acting as if nothing is wrong :-( . Anybody have any advice????

txbelle221 said:
I have an Oscar about 7 or 8 inches(saved him from my mother) Well, he has been doing just fine for the past 4 to 6 weeks and I have given him several tankmates---anyway---one of the tankmates is(was) a 5 to 6 inch Pictus catfish. They have been fine together---well today I came home from work and the catfish's tail is hanging out of Oscar's mouth. :( So I get a pair of tongs and try to remove it with him swimming all over the tank. All I managed to get was the tail :sick: . Anyway, after a more careful observation, I saw that the barbs(or whatever they are called) the hard pokey things on the catfish, are stuck out the sides of Oscar's jaw and chin. I don't know whether to stress him more by catching him and holding him to cut them loose or the just see if it adventually gets swallowed. He is swimming around now with his mouth open acting as if nothing is wrong :-( . Anybody have any advice????

are the barbs actually poking through the tissue.?
Yes there were, there was one coming out the side of his cheek and one coming out of his chin. About 2 hours later though, he finally spit it out. Of course when I saw it one of the younger Oscars was trying to eat it :eek: I managed to net it out and everyone seems to be okay ....well except for my Pictus cat :grr: . Oh well, chalk it up as experience and learn not to do that again :blush: . Thanks for all of your help. I will add some stress coat this evening, but I can't even see where the holes were, so I guess he is going to be ok.
I know.....the sad thing is that he never bothered anyone....he just stayed under the rocks and awaited food..... He had started getting brave and coming out a little bit, I guess he should have stayed under the rocks........I have had him for about 2 or 3 months so I was kinda attached to him.

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