Help! Please!

[jdm dc2]

New Member
Mar 21, 2004
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hey guys, i know this is a very crazy and stupid thing to say.,.. but i had to do it... my girlfriends older sister had bought me a fishy for my tank for my bday.. she spent 20 $ on the sucker so yeah i couldnt say no i cant put this in my tank.. .im a n00b to this whole fish scene.. for starters...

i have a freshwater tank with 5 guppies and 1 molly (pretty basic fish)... i have never had a fish like this before and yeah she was really excited to buy it for me (it was a suprise),.

i asked her.. isaid do you know if this is even a freshwater fish or is it salt water? she said no i think its fresh.. i said do you know if hes aggresive? she said no he looks nice.. im like looks nice is not the case here! did they tell you she was aggresive. and she said no they said its a nice fish... so yeah im taking her word for it.. the fish has been in my tank for the passed 4 hours with no problems.. he is just minding his own biz... he just swims back and forth in the tank..

so yeah with that said.. my tank is a 20 gal fresh water tank with 4 table spoons aquarium salt just put in today (i mention this becuase i read somewhere that some fish dont like salt.. so yeah im scared this guy might be a fish that doesnt like it)... please help me identify what kind of fish this is! .. will he hurt my guppies/mollys?... is he a salt water fish *i hope not!*... is he ok to keep in my 20 gal?... please give me all the info you can find.. thank you!
Sang72 said:
Hmm.....Looks like a Malayan Angel???


Not sure tho. I saw one at my LFS, and no one there could tell me what it was either.
hmm.. i duno .. it doesnt look to much like that... somebody said "seba mono" .. and from looking at pics.. i think it is a seba mono.. and if it really is a seba mono.. im im deep ####.. becuase its for brackish water and a very aggresive sucker.. ! i have guppies and mollys in my tank! 2 of which are pregnant!>. i hope hes not a seba mono!
The seba mono is an estaury fish and requires brackish water. He must be removed! I recommend simply giving him back to the pet store or trading him in.
From the first pic it seems like you have a Mono as Eelzor says which requires a big tank (alot bigger than a 20 gallon). Monos are peaceful fish from Africa. They look like a cross between a freshwater Angelfish and Silver Dollar. The body is triangular and silver, with two dark stripes. One stripe runs vertically across the eye; the other runs vertically just behind the gill plate. The body is compressed and the fins are yellow. The eye is exceptionally large. Their color fades with maturity.

Monos are a schooling fish and while peaceful towards fish of their own size, they will eat smaller fishes that will fit into their small mouths. They are omnivorous and will eat all the regular fish foods. They enjoy eating lettuce and spinach, as well as live foods.

Monos should be kept only in brackish water of 1-2 tablespoons of sea salt per 2 gallons. A similar species, M. Sebae, has a taller body with more stripes. Both species will reach 10" or over.
It's definately a Mono. They tend to get ich very easily. They are beautiful though. My book claims they need 1-2 tsp sea-salt per 1.3 gallons. It also suggests a species tank.
the guppies probably won't work since they're sort of small, but i think you might be able to keep it with the molly. Most livebearers will be ok with that much salt in the tank. Seems the only problem would be "Do the other fish fit in the Mono's mouth?"

Definitely needs moved if you want to raise fry.

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