Help please!!!


Cheddar: classic or cliche?
Sep 13, 2003
Reaction score
Nottingham, UK
I looked in my tank this morning and my male lyretail guppy was looking a bit listless. I noticed his tail was slightly jagged so I put in some fin rot meds.

Later on I go to the tank and he's on the gravel swimming really fast round in circles on his side, like he's having a fit :(

A few minutes later he was lying there panting on the gravel. He hasn't moved since and that was 2 hours ago.

The water is fine. It's a 20 gal tank. Other inhabitants are zebra danios, glowlight tetras, cories, golden apple snails and some more guppies.

Does anyone know what's wrong with him? :sad:

Maybe swim bladder? When you say your water is fine, that is there's no traces of ammonia or nitrites and your nitrate also is not too high? He could have some kind of poisioning . Try doing a 15% water change and see if it does anything.
Ok, I'll do a water change...

And yes, I meant there's no traces of ammonia or nitrite and I don't have a nitrate test :dunno:

What kind of poisoning could he have?

Thanks for replying...
I was thinking ammonia or nitrite posioning but if nitrates are high(above 40 ppm) it will cause damage to fish as well. Try going to a lfs and often they will test your water for a small fee, but ofcourse ask if they can test for nitrate :)
He's not new, I've had him for a few months now and he's been fine. Unfortunately I can't get to the lfs at the moment so I can't have my water tested.

A quick question, I always thought that swim bladder disease was where the fish is floating and can't get down. My guppy has the opposite - he's lying on the gravel. Are there 2 types of swim bladder disease or something?
Swim bladder affects all areas of fish position in the water weather it be at the top or the bottom the point is that its swim-bladder is unstable, sounds as though he could be getting bullied in the tank, have you any other guppies in with him? also guppys benifit from salt in the aquarium although this will not agree with all inhabitants.
Well he died yesterday :byebye: I found him at the bottom of the tank, but he was half eaten... swimbladder isn't a contagious disease is it?

I can't put salt in the tank as I have cories.

Also, yes there are other guppies in the tank but they are all female and if anything, he was harrassing them!

Thank you all for your help though :nod:
Hi Rsz

I've had guppies a while now and find that feeding peas every other day has helped maintain there health. A couple of frozen peas, soak them in hot water for 10 mins or so, squeeze them out of the shell then squash them up and drop them in the tank.

The fish go crazy for them and it has been mentioned that it can help with swimbladder problems.

Hope this helps for the future.

Sorry to hear of your loss rsz :( didn't sound like there was muchyou could do.

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