Help Please!


Fish Fanatic
Feb 13, 2008
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Hai. err...
i have been having problems with my tank...
i have had 4 fish die, since yesrerday.
I did a water change yesterday, and found my heater was cracked, so i have tempererally put a 25W heater in it, and going to get a 50W heater in a min...
Since wednesday the water of my tank has been rather cloudy.
i've noticed that before the fish die, they loose balance, and go to the top of the tank, gasping. then a few hours later they die.
I'm going away on monday, so i dont really want to go away and come back with all my fish dead.
Can someone please help me...
We will need to see readings for Ammonia, Nitrites, and Nitrates. Sounds like the tank may be cycling?
I agree need water stats like sharon has asked for.
How long has the tank been set up as it sounds like a cycling tank.
How many gallons is the tank.
How many fish and which type.
Immediate water change and increase aeration in the tank.
Put a blanket over the tank till you get a new heater so the temp dosn't drop to fast.
When the temp drops to fast it can cause whitepsot, swim bladder, and columnaris.

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