Help! Please!


Fish Fanatic
Nov 11, 2007
Reaction score
Northeast Ohio
How many days can a betta live when being shipped in a bag? I'm not sure on the specifics on how they were bundled but lets just say they had 3/4 air 1/4 water. Will they be okay or not? The temperature outside has been steady and they are insulated.

I am bawling my eyes out because the post office can't find the fish that were shipped to me on Wednesday. I just NEED to know of they will make it till Monday afternoon or not. I just have to know so I can prepare myself for what's to come. Thanks you in advance.
Probably but we can't promise anything. There was one case where fish (bettas) that got lost in the mail were opened 3 weeks later and some were still alive... yours should live if they were fasted before being shipped and bagged with oxygen in big bags.
ive sent a fish once and he vanished for 6 days and got there ok but it does depend on how much oxygen and whether the actual parcel is is around room temp that doesnt drop too low at night. do you have proof that the betta was actually posted? a bit presumious i know but you never know sometimes good luck.
Well see I was adopting them from a friend who lives about an hour away from me and I figured it would cost less to ship than it would to drive with gas the way it is. She told me she got the money and that she was shipping them wednesday. I have no reason to think she lied since she HAD to get rid of them because she's moving to another state.h
Well see I was adopting them from a friend who lives about an hour away from me and I figured it would cost less to ship than it would to drive with gas the way it is. She told me she got the money and that she was shipping them wednesday. I have no reason to think she lied since she HAD to get rid of them because she's moving to another state.h
a friend is a friend, i thought you might have just purchased him online, thats why i asked :good:
Well they're here but I have bad new and good news. The good news is they are alive, the bad news is they are pretty stressed and it looks like Big Red either has fin rot or chewed his fins really well. He's looking like a pretty ragged VT right now. PK seems to have a growth on his head and over his eye. My friend said she treated him and it went away but he must of been stressed enough to grow it back. At least he's alive, when I pulled his bag out both of his ziploc baggies had spilled a little and he was out of water and not moving. I was gonna bury him but then unbelievably he moved! They are both in isolation right now until they recover enough to go into the main divided tank.

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