Help Please


Fish Crazy
Jan 23, 2008
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My puffers were delivered before they were suppose to be I have them in a ten gallon cycled tank with a few shrimp however I cant get a hold of any snails some research says they need snails others say they dont so I thought Id ask on here oh they are dwarf puffers right now they are eating bloodworms and they will eat betta flakes which has shrimp and stuff in it. Thanks I love these little guys and dont want to lose them. Thanks Pat
Hi Pat, bloodworm is fine. They don't need to have snails everyday but they will need them regularly to keep their teeth trimmed though. The snails should be about size of their eyeballs so that they can crush them instead of sucking just the meat out.

Make sur you start a snail hatchery ;D
Thanks I noticed last time I was at petsmart they had alot of little snails maybe they will give me some how do I start a hatchery Thanks Pat.
Many people will say that snails are unnecessary with dwarf puffers and I would agree with them. I had mine for 4 years before I traded them to my lfs and only gave them snails for the first couple of months. They never had any issues with their beak growing too long. However, there doesn't seem to be any problems with feeding snails, so if you want to, go ahead.


EDIT: I didn't see your post Pat, but petsmart (at least the one by me) will give you snails. To get a hatchery, simply throw some snails into a tank and they will reproduce. You do have to feed them and care for them of course. Some you will have to have a male and female to breed, such as apple snails.
Make sure you don't get the cone shaped trumpet snails. Their shells are not ideal since they are too hard for DPs, although I keep them in my DP tanks.

The best ones to go for are tadpole/pouch snails or ramshorn snails or pond snails.

Anyway, if you have a spare small tank, you can add a sponge filter and add some plant clippings. Feed every 2 or 3 days and water change like you do with normal fish tanks.

Or, if you don't have another tank, a large glass jar on a window sill will do too as long as you keep the water clean and feed them regularly. They will breed in there.
Many people will say that snails are unnecessary with dwarf puffers and I would agree with them. I had mine for 4 years before I traded them to my lfs and only gave them snails for the first couple of months. They never had any issues with their beak growing too long. However, there doesn't seem to be any problems with feeding snails, so if you want to, go ahead.

Hi Ryan, I would have probably said the same a few weeks ago. But recently, I notice that my large female is having trouble eating bloodworms. Sice they are such small fish I can't see properly what is wrong with her teeth. I can just about see her lower teeth is a little too "pointy" and all she can eat is chopped up bloodworm bits. Whether that is overgrown teeth I have no idea :sad: I've had her for just over two years btw.

Besides, they get more excited seeing a snail than bloodworms anyway so I make it as a treat for them.
Thank everyone when I asked for snails petsmart cleaned a whole tank out for me tiny pond snails with some adults I really like my petsmart they have little signs on the tanks telling you how big the fish will get and the have all fish in different sections community, preators, etc. Again thanks :nod:
My petsmart has those signs too. Problem is, many are very very wrong. Especially with the larger fish. Some info they put on the signs are the minimum tank size for a dp is 1 gallon, a BGK is fine in a 20g, and an oscar is fine in a 30.

Good luck with your new puffers, they are really fun, especially when they are hunting like iSnail said.

My petsmart has those signs too. Problem is, many are very very wrong. Especially with the larger fish. Some info they put on the signs are the minimum tank size for a dp is 1 gallon, a BGK is fine in a 20g, and an oscar is fine in a 30.

Good luck with your new puffers, they are really fun, especially when they are hunting like iSnail said.

Ill have to check that out next time I go If I see any thats wrong Ill talk to them the girl in charge is really nice and has tanks at home and again Thanks for the info everyone :good:

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