help please


New Member
Oct 17, 2003
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i bought 3 fancy guppies for my son 2 days agao. Yesterday one died and another died again today. What am i dong wrong? I dont own many accessories i bought a 1 gallon tank and it came with an air pump but thats about the extent of what i own. The fish that died seem to have had swelled gills that looked like they were bleeding and their eyes turned totally black. Just before they died the would stick to the top of the water and it seemed they passed out because they would just totally stop moving and sink or float around with their face at the top of the water. i fed them once a day only a bit so i dont think i over fed them and the two that died wouldnt eat before they died any help would be great they were a gift for my 5 yr old son and he is devestated. I dont want to lose the last one.
Jennifer :(
Did you buy the fish at the same time as the tank? It may be worth investing in a cheap filter for tank. If the tank is new it sounds like the fish will be suffering from new fish syndrome and dying of ammonia poisoning. Have a look at this link to explain a little bit more New Fish Syndrome. Also some of the other topics in the beginners section are well worth a read.

Have you tested any of the ammonia or nitrite levels? First things first until you're able to test the water do a 40% water change (using dechlorinated water - add some dechlorinator from your local fish shop to the water you put into a tank), then buy some kits to test for above and monitor for a few days, you may need to do additional water changes.

I know the above sounds a lot but to me it seems like you're the victim of a typical fish shop that sells everything at once without even bothering to explain how to keep a healthy tank :-( . Unfortuanately this hobby is not as easy as it first seems but the rewards are well worth it.

If you want any more information after reading the above link just yell and I'm sure people here will be able to help.

Take Care and good luck :)

I think Lithril has said it all really, that article should explain things and hopefully help you understand what your fishies are going through.

Only thing to add is please don't let this put you off this hobby, although it may be too late to save the fish you currently have :no: , you will be able to start again with the RIGHT info now you've found this place. All it will take is a little bit more time and soon (fingers crossed) you will be able to have a tank of happy guppies for your son! :thumbs:
Thank you both for all of your help. I'm going to go and buy the other things I need. I didn't realize fish needed so much lol. You've both been a great help.
I must admit I was sitting here hoping that we hadn't put you off, fish do need quite a lot but the its well worth it in the long run.

Good Luck


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