Help Please With Adf Tank Filtration


Fish Fanatic
Dec 5, 2006
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Hi guys and gals

I have a 20 litre tank set up with a pair of ADF's in them. The tank is on of those starter ones, where the filter sucks in one side, it goes through the filter sponges in the lid, and then it is deposited out the other side.

Basically, this is causing a strong current in the tank, which the ADF's are battling to swim against. I have put some tights over the openings to slow down the flow, and i have also trimmed down the propeller blades to slow down the flow.

It is now ok for the frogs, but the filtration is very poor, and the tank is getting mouldy and smelly very quickly! So I guess a new filter is in order. What one would you guys suggest, bearing in mind it is only a small tank?

Thanks in advance

Rich :)
I have a Whisper filter. I have been told that not only are they one of the quietest filters, they also have the slowest flow. That is what I have in both my five gallon tank (with ADFs) and in my 10 gallon with my mollies and glow fish. It has worked quite well so far. And they come in different sizes for the different sized tanks.
I had to take a whisper filter out of my frog's tank because it tried to eat him. I'm letting it drain in the bathroom sink. The frog loves it without a filter there. He's happily swimming about and resting in the zen position. ***so cute***
i have an elite stingray. Its a pretty filter, plenty of slots for media, but best of all, you can turn the output through about 300 degress, so you can point it almost backwards and deflect all the force against the back of the tank. my froggies love it. i have it on the side of my tank, and there is just enough current. they seem to enjoy swimming to the farthest point from the filter, right to the top, then 'gliding' on the current to the filter, then back to the far corner and all over again.

One of my froggies was doing that for 4 hours earlier...

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