Help Please. Pregnant Molly!


New Member
Mar 11, 2007
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North West (UK)
Hiya everyone
Can anyone help, How do I get my dalmation Molly to release her Fry. She looks like she gonna pop. she been like this for a week. Can I do anything to help her drop her frys. I've been doing water change every 2 days. like the FS said. but still nothing.

Hiya everyone
Can anyone help, How do I get my dalmation Molly to release her Fry. She looks like she gonna pop. she been like this for a week. Can I do anything to help her drop her frys. I've been doing water change every 2 days. like the FS said. but still nothing.

Dunno how similar guppies are to mollies but my guppy was pregnant for ages too and now I have seven fry swimming about my tank growing pretty fast. I think what helped was when I added moss, do you have moss? The fry can hide in it and therefore she may feel more comfortable having her fry if you have it. This is only an educated guess, I aint a fish expert.
Thanks for your help ptyson,
No I've not got any moss in the tank. I have had her in the breeding net, over night, the Male mollies and Platys are annoying her too. Could that be the reason why, she not releasing her Fry's?
Thanks for your help ptyson,
No I've not got any moss in the tank. I have had her in the breeding net, over night, the Male mollies and Platys are annoying her too. Could that be the reason why, she not releasing her Fry's?
I tried putting my guppy in a breeding trap, think I put her in a bit late on but she had 2 fry while she was in there but dont know what happened to them. I kept her in there for a few days but really felt like I was stressing her out. I ended up taking her out then she got pregnant again and had her fry. Dunno if I would use the breeding trap again, there are mixed reviews on them. Try buying some moss so the fry can hide in it from the other fish and grow, mine are now big enough to rome about in the tank,the moss has been eaten tho but got more in the post.
breeder tanks/nets often stress the female out causing her to abort her fry, maybe add a few more hiding places and plants to help her feel more secure :good:
Thanks Ptyson and lilishie. I'm going to the FS on Wednesday. and get some more plants and hiding places. My nearest FS is 30mins away and I can't drive.
Lets hope she has them soon.

Thanks for all your help

Fiona xxx
dont worry bout it really my chocolate molly is pregnant i think she has been for 2 weeks now but i geuss it just takes time.

what molly you got?
Thanks Ptyson, I will do.

I've got 2 Black, 2 silver and 2 Dalmation Mollies. It's my Dalmation Molly, who over due. She been Pregnant for 5 weeks now. and the over Dalmation molly has been Pregnant for 4 weeks

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