Help Please. I'm Really Confused.


Fish Fanatic
Jan 25, 2010
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Hi all

last week I posted about White spot on my royal gramma. I had good responses and thank you for those that gave advise.

I took the decision to set up a qt and wait to see if the gramma developed further spots. Well in a week the gramm has still only got the one spot and is showing no other signs or symptoms.

Yesterday my coral beauty had some White spots on his fins Some of which disappeared. He shows no other symptoms. This morning he had a few more on his tail fin and I took to decision to move them to the hospital tank and I have bought cuprazin a copper treatment.

I was about to treat but noticed the coral beauty no longer has any spots? Am I going mad? The gramma still has the one spot.

Should I still medicate?

Your advise would be greatly appriciated as I am at wits end and need some direction here

cheers guys
need a pic really, its hard to keep guessing!
I've taken so many pics but none come out good enough to see the spots. I've put in treatment after speaking with a Friend but not the coral beauty doesn't look so good. He's not swimming around very well and has rapid gill movement. Im scared!

I just wanted to get him better but I'm really worried I should of just let him be! I've read so much on White spot over the last few days I don't know what's right and what's wrong anymore.
I have had a few times where a fish has looked like it was covered in white spot. it has always turned out either to be sand or debris though (normally on my coral beauty, royal gramma or mandarin though which are the ones which spend the most time amongst the rockwork).

Not saying that is what it is here but could explain how they went so quick.

If you havent already do a full water test to make sure everything is going on. do you have other fish in the tank and how are they acting?

How long have you had the coral beauty for?
I have had a few times where a fish has looked like it was covered in white spot. it has always turned out either to be sand or debris though (normally on my coral beauty, royal gramma or mandarin though which are the ones which spend the most time amongst the rockwork).

Not saying that is what it is here but could explain how they went so quick.

If you havent already do a full water test to make sure everything is going on. do you have other fish in the tank and how are they acting?

How long have you had the coral beauty for?
Water quality is fine as tested all today. I have a royal gramma in the qt and it is still hiding behind the pump. Had the coral beauty about 5 days. I should of qt'd them to start with but I guess I can't go back now.

Maybe should have waited to with coral beauty but with the royal gramma having a spot and he had a few too guess I just though it was getting worse.

He is swimming around a little now but it's not strong swimming and his gill movement is still fast. I was told that copper treatment can strip o2 from water? Is that true? I have a power head directed at the surface to keep things moving.

I've also tuned lights out now too.

I'm so so worried.

Really don't want to loose him!
you should leave the crao beauty where he is imo, dwarf angels dont take to copper treatment well at all. If you do need to treat him you usually use half doses.
Ok guys thanks for all your help and advise on this you've all been really really helpful and patient!!!

All fish are touch wood as of today spot free! Swiming and eating loads! Over the last 48 hours I have fed loads of garlic brine shrimp mixed with new era flake. I tuned lights off for most of the day and turned up temp to 28.5 deg. It's still early days but at present they are looking good

thanks to everyone that posted in my hour of need! You've all been great!

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