Help Please, Filter And Substrate


New Member
May 29, 2008
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Hi i have a Rio 125 and am going to use an external filter for ease of use and low maintainence

I have been informed that an Eheim is the best filter to go with, would it come with all the piping and pumps and things or do i need to buy these seperate??

Also which substrate should i use, i am going to have low light and intend to have some plants but not loads, was thinking about eco complete and a layer of gravel, would that be ok?

All input gratefully recieved, or can someone point me to where this stuff is discussed, not had much luck with the search feature

Thank you
You can check out the eheim filters at For a 125L, you might want to study the smallest Pro II filter or the model 2224 of the Pro series. You will want to measure you cabinet spaces and think about where it would sit. I always think its a good idea to set a cannister box in its own rubbermaid-type plastic container as a double-safety measure, so that makes it bigger in the cabinet.

Eco-complete can indeed make a complete gravel substrate with nothing else needed. The only reason to consider otherwise would be other texture/color desires.

I agree about light, always important to consider the species. Java ferns and other "easy plants" (can search on this on TFF) will do better in low-light setups. Low-light, as you were already aware of probably, being a technical term for a certain level of light per gallon (often somewhere like 1.2 or 1.3 watts per gallon in fairly typical sized (not too big or little) tanks.) Low-light technique plus eco-complete plus easy plants plus liquid fert. dosing plus timers on lights can be put together to do pretty well, so say some of the planted tank enthusiasts I've found.

just my 2cents of thoughts..

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