Help Please! Cichlid Laying On Side


New Member
Feb 6, 2011
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Houston, Tx.
I have had this tank for two years now and all of the fish in it. About a month ago I put a new filter in my tank. And then about two weeks ago my peacock started laying on his side at the bottom of the tank. He only gets up for about 10 seconds at a time to swim around when I go to check on him or the other fish come into his territory. He looks healthy and still gets up to eat. But then its back to his spot at the bottom of the tank. He just lays there moving his fin which dont look that great. Andn I do believe its laying on the same side every time. I have about 8 other fish in the tank and none of them are showing any signs of stress. I dont know what to do. I'm worried about my little peacock!!!!
When you put the new filter in did you take the old filter out? If you did then you really need to get the water tested as you're likely to be recycling.

Eitherways we could do with knowing your water test results...
But why would only one fish be affected? The old filter was old and I just wanted to have a new clean one. New coal frags and such. Its the same system. Just a different filter pad.
Because not all fish have the same tolerance level for things such as ammonia and nitrite poisoning. I'm not saying that it IS ammonia and/or nitrite poisoning. Just that it's one of the easiest and fastest to rule out.

So could you get us your tank water test results?

It sounds like you kept the same filter and just replaced the pads then? In which case you've removed practically all the bacteria...
Yeah thats pretty much what I did. I've never changed it before just cleaned it. I will get test a test tomorrow. What should I do about the bacteria?

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