Help please - Can't remember which loach we have?


Fish Fanatic
Jun 19, 2005
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I've looked everywhere for a similar pic and I can't find one. It looks like a Queen loach shape, but has a brown body with larger pale yellow colour giraffe-like markings with smaller dots in lines inbetween. Very active at base of tank. I thought the LFS said it was a zebra one, but it doesn't look like it to me. I just haven't had time to go back and ask. :alien:
Thank you, I think its a yo-yo loach, but mine look darker than these pics.
Do you have a picture you could maybe post or link to?

If you think it had 'zebra' in the name, it sounds like the gold(en) zebra loach:

If you look at the bottom of that page (right down - there are links to other pages and the copyright stuff), there are pictures of 4 different loach species. The one at the far right of the image is a zebra loach. It doesn't sound like that's what you have but I thought I'd mention it as well.

The site I just linked to is the same as was mentioned earlier in the thread. You should be able to find your loach there if you go through all the species but, to save you time and effort, posting a pic of your fish would make it possible for someone here to positively identify it for you and save you all that trouble.

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