Help, Please! Can A Red-claw Crab Live In Half Gallon Bowl For A C


New Member
Dec 27, 2005
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I have a 10 gallon tank with dwarf gouramies and a red-claw crab. I found some white spots on one of the fishes ( the others are also trying to rub against rocks) and found out it is "ick" and I want to medicate the fishes. But I am afraid that my red claw crab might not survive with the ick medicine( I am thinking about using "quick cure"). So I was wondering whether the crab can survive in a half gallon bowl without any heater or filter (but I will put a rock in there for him to get some air) for two weeks? Thanks in advance.
you are right to remove the crab, though a half gallon tank is to small. what temp is it in your house at the moment, (at the lowest at night) because that is the contributing factor to whether you can get away without heating the crab. The crab will also at some point eat some of your dwarf gouramis, so maybe the best thing to do is invest in another tank for your crab, make the water brackish and it will be alot happier.
I have two RCC. We needed to treat our fish for 2wks and the people at the aquatic shop said it would be fine to keep them in a plastic container on top of the tank...

Anyway, not knowing any better we did that. Well, after 10 days we had to put them in the tank as they were hardly moving, one molted and lost a claw in the process. We thought they were both dead. When we put them in the tank they kept falling off the 'crab crib'. It was terrible. They are now fine, but it was very scary and I won't be doing that again.

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