HELP PLEASE - BNose - 'bulging belly'


New Member
Dec 30, 2004
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Queensland, Australia
I just bought a breeding pair of BN for a fairly hefty price so the seller threw in another pair...cos the female of that pair was sick!!
I've taken them on..the male looks fine but the female has the bulging belly as has been described in another recent post
have had them for a day...they are about 5ins
have them in a separate tank and I have noticed that there are trails of 'white threadlike cotton'??? all hanging off plants and the female!!!! :blink:
looks like a thin trail of poop that I have seen in goldfish but this seems unusual for BNs as their poops are usually monstrous!!!

the bulging indicates an internal parasite I suppose but has anyone come across this trail of threadlike stuff?...(it looks like poop!) :p

never come across worms before....could this be the cause??

should I feed her up with zucchini/peas etc in case she is just constipated??? OR NOT FEED in case its not that?!!!! :huh:

(the seller had them in with goldfish for a month so I don't think she's been fed very well - no green stuff)

I don't know what to do :dunno:

Can anyone HELP with suggestions please?
White coloured poop is an indication of internal parasites. You should feed it certain medicated foods, however, i am not sure what brands would be available where you are.

thanks phantom

is the male likely to get sick too???

if I move him in with healthy BNs - is he likely to infect others?

when the female dies :/ do I have to 'strip' the whole these parasites live in gravel and get passed on???

(really showing my ignorance here!)...still learning! :*)
hmmm i always encounter medicated fish food that are targetted against parasites but they come in the form of flakes..... im not sure about plecs... are there anti parasite drops or something ??? btw im not really answering your question just asking another one that might help :)
Rather than medicating, try a natural cure first. Soak a algae wafer in some juice from a clove of garlic and feed it to her. This might help. Also as you said give her some skinned peas and some cucumber or courgete
thanks to all for responses so far

I just found an old post regarding white poops...that says its internal bacteria but it has been said here its internal parasites?


is treatment the same?

just heading out to lfs now to get something now!
thanks for your help peoples...

...I didn't get a chance to try any of your cures...

...she "went to fishy heaven" this morning....sob :(

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