the store clerk sold it to me submerged in water, there were also signs of growth. Is it really a terrestrial plant?That is Hemigraphis Exotica. It will not grow underwater. It thrives in a vivarium. If you leave it as is, it will die. You can pull it up and leave the roots in the water. Make sure the leaves stay exposed.
My quick search confirms the above (not that I doubted the plant man) will eventually rot if you leave it under water unfortunately
what do i do then? i never planned to have a emersed plantThat is Hemigraphis Exotica. It will not grow underwater. It thrives in a vivarium. If you leave it as is, it will die. You can pull it up and leave the roots in the water. Make sure the leaves stay exposed.
Is there a way to let it sit on top of your tank and let the roots dangle in?what do i do then? i never planned to have a emersed plant
Is there a way to let it sit on top of your tank and let the roots dangle in?
it can survive a few days more,right? ill try to find a pot that worksYour only choice is as @CaptainBarnicles says. Unless you can return it.