Help Pin the Disease!


Fish Addict
Nov 25, 2003
Reaction score
Southern Cali
Hi everyone,

It started 2 weeks ago when my Gourami was floating sideways on the bottom of the tank. His mates were nipping at him and I thought he was a gonner for sure.
His symptoms then were patchy grey growths and missing scales/ulcers and something hanging off his bottom lip.

I moved him to the "hospital" and treated with Maracyn and Melafix. He recovered quickly (or so I thought) and 9 days later (this past Thursday) he rejoined his tank mates.

Today I came in to find him with red "ulcers" on his head and gill area. They are worse than before. He also has a very small growth on his lower lip. It is too small to tell if it's fungus.

I do 20% water changes every other day. Water tests (ammonia, pH and Nitrate) show water is fine. Tank has been established for about 4 months. My tank size and inhabitats are listed below.

Please see this link for pictures.

I also have a sick swordtail. This is an entire different story, but I believe him to have internal parasites. Could the 2 illnesses be related? Please help! I'm at a loss . . . :unsure:
I would recommend you put him back in the hospital tank, and don't stop treatment until after a week after the ulcers and patches are gone.
As for the sword tail, most people recommend a product called Discomed, which treats internal parasites.
Their is also a product called Marycen plus, made by mardel, which treats ulcers and body fungus, I don't know how effective this is though.
Hi rykitten :)

Your fish look pretty bad, indeed.

I think that your gourami might have had a bacterial infection. By treating it with Maracyn you might have cleared the primary infection of Columnaris up. But, it could have had a secondary infection, at the same time, called Aeromonas. Unless you used Maracyn-2 at the same time he may not have been entirely cured.

Alternately, you could try Kanacyn, which is an antibiotic that will treat them both.

It would also help if you clean your tank well before you begin treatment. Change a good amount of water and vacuum the gravel well.

Then, reduce the temperature to no higher than 75-76 dergrees and, if possible, increase aeration. Take care not to overfeed. Doing this will slow down the reproduction of the harmful bacteria.

Why do you think your swordtail has internal parasites? Also, let me ask you to look at any other fish in your tank and see if they are developing any signs of the same problem or white fuzzy spots or fins that do not look crisp and normal.

The bacteria that causes these infections is in your tank all the time, but will only cause problems when your fish has been under stress from some other reason. It sometimes happens to new fish. Sudden changes in temperature, overstocking, high nitrites, insufficient water changes will often result in this kind of stress and the bacteria will take hold.
Thanks guys!

He is worse this morning, now his fins are clamped and everyone is nibbling at him again. He looks miserable so I'm setting up the hospital tank now.

So Inchworm, are you suggesting I treat with Maracyn and Maracyn-2 at the same time? Or back to back? I will go on my lunch break to get something.

Everyone else looks fine, except for the swordtail.

I think the swordtail has internal parasites because he poops all the time. Seems like everytime I walk by he is pooping. Sometimes it's solid but a lot of the time it's stringy and gauzy looking. He also is very thin, and in some areas (around his stomach) he is sort of transparent. He didn't always look like that.

I will keep you posted over the next few days. Hopefully the Gourami will recover and then I can treat the swordtail. Or do you think I should treat the entire community for internal parasites?
Hi rykitten :)

I'm pretty sure that you can use them both at the same time, but check the box. I seem to remember it saying something there.

I don't know what the problem is with your swordtail, sorry to say. But do look carefully at your other fish to be sure they show no signs of bacterial infection or finrot. If they do, you'll want to treat them along with your gourami.

Good luck and please let me know how the treatment works out. :)

Just got back from PetSmart and they don't have much of a selection. The only product I could find that you suggested was Maracyn 2.

I have begun treatment with Maracyn and Maracyn 2. You are correct about using them concurrently. The box says:

"May be used concurrently with Coppersafe, Maracide, Maracyn 2, Maroxy and TankSafe."

Thanks for all your help. I really do appreciate it. :)

I'll keep you posted.

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