Help picking out some Africans


New Member
Mar 5, 2004
Reaction score
San Diego
I'm really having a tough time picking out some Africans for my 60 gallon 48" long tank. I would like to know what you guys have had good luck with now and in the past. I really just need some ideas for a good mix of fish. My tank is cycling right now so I still have a couple of weeks before I put them in.

Also which cichlids don't need too much rocks in the tank because I don't want to over decorate it. I will put a few caves in the tank for some hiding but I want more open swimmers. I also have fake plants in the tank already along with a jaguar skull that makes a pretty big cave.

What are the best combos for fish in your personal opinion that you liked and would work in my style of tank? I am really having a tough time deciding.
check out my sig, my tank is about the same size as yours.

What I would do different.

1) I would not get more than one of any kind of cichlid. They breed too well. I always feel like I have to save the fry... then what do I do with them, I mean ya I do get a few bucks from the LFS, but I am afraid they will go to bad homes (BTW any one neer the MPLS want some free chiclids)? I guess now that I already have the equipment I actually make a buck or two... oh no wait I only get credit not money ;P
2) when the tank is all said and done (slow stocking and talking long term set up) I could probably have 4-5 med African cichlids (5" adult size ones) and 7-8 rainbows comfortably. I am sure more could fit in there if you go by the inch rule, but I prefer to understock inch to gallons. "Less is more"

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