Help on sickness and Illness


New Member
Jul 12, 2017
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Hello! I am new to this forum and have a couple of questions to ask and hopefully get an answer!:)
First off, I had recently been dealing with fin rot and I tryed using Fugus Clear, Metrclin 2 (totaly spelt that wrong lol), and tetryclin (and this one too). But I only had luck with the Metrclin 2. The medcine work until I ran out, and the other too seem to worsen the fin rot rather than help. My betta's top fin is completly gone and now I am consitering buy Metrciln 2 and 1 to use on the fin rot.
The next issue I am having is with velvet. I noticed gold like scales on my betta's lung when looking at him with a flash light. I am very consured as to how to cure it but theres so many diffrent medicines out there I am so confused.
What medcine should I used for fin rot and velvet? Should I put my betta in a 1 gallon and do a salt treatment? Is the hydrogen perioxide method safe and does it work?
Any reaponce will be helpful and I would aprecite it very much!!!!!

How big is the tank?
Is it cycled
How long has it been running?
Has it got a filter?
Has it got a heater?
What is the water temp?
How often do you change the water?
How much do you change?
What chemicals do you use?
What do you feed the Betta?
How much do you feed?
How long have you had him?

A photo of the Betta will help also.

How big is the tank?
Is it cycled
How long has it been running?
Has it got a filter?
Has it got a heater?
What is the water temp?
How often do you change the water?
How much do you change?
What chemicals do you use?
What do you feed the Betta?
How much do you feed?
How long have you had him?

A photo of the Betta will help also.

My tank is 5 gallons
Not sure
It has a filter
It has a heater
75 F
Once a week
Prime water conditioner AQ salt
Omega one Freshwatered Fish
I feed him a small pinch
3 1/2 years old
(Sorry these pictures are terriable quailty)

I got up this morning and went to feed my betta fish called Simon. I noticed he was acting weird. He was on top of his filter and when he came to get his bloodworm he was trying too hard to swim and his tail looks a bit smaller I think. He stopped swimming at one point, I guess he was worn out, and sank. He then swam back to lay on his filter again! Can anyone help? This is my first betta fish and I don't know what's wrong with him.
I heard it you raise the temperature of the tank and add a little aquarium salt it keeps it from getting infected. I would also suggest frequent water changes and a high protein diet. I hope he gets better.

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