Help on picking tetra for thirty gallon.


Devils Advocate
May 24, 2004
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I have a thirty gallon with a pictus catfish and I'm getting a firemouth cichlid here in about a week or so. I asked in the New World section about what other fish I could put in with them and they suggested congo tetras. I need something that's going to be about three inches so they don't get eaten and was wondering if anyone could suggest anything else? It's a tall tank, so if they are more of middle to top dwelling they'll have plenty of room to swim, as the only thing that swims up there currently is two mollies and a platy. Thanks for any help!
Buenos Aires Tetras get to be about 2 1/2" but are very strong and robust for their length. Are you open to any other Characins? Is it a planted tank?
Salmon discus (characin) at 4.5 inches shoal in the middle layers and look similar in many ways to silver dollars. Bleeding heart tetras get to 3 inches and preffer the middle as well but aren't as much a shoaling fish. Buenos aires tetras are ideal, at 3 inches, they like all levels but again aren't the best shoalers. A shoal of false silver tetras would be even better. They grow to the same size as the salmon discus but swim in all levels. Glass tetras grow to 4.5 inches as well and are great shoaling fish but preffer the middle and lower levels. Penguin fish grow to 3 inches and not only shoal but also preffer the upper layers, as well as the middle. Another interesting option is the dragon-finned characin. Though it doesn't shoal, it grows to 3.5 inches and likes the upper layers. Plus it has an unusual shape that would add some interest if you could find a few for your aquarium.

IMO, congo tetras or salmon discus are your best options. My prefference lies with the salmons but only because I think they are adorable. :p
If you really want tetras then black neon tetras or Buenos Aires Tetras

however why not consider bengal danios, they will get to 10cm or danio hikari or pearl danios both will get to around 8cm and are too fast for most fish to catch anyway.
I'm open to pretty much anything, I just wanted something that would sort of school, but the fish in my profile are pretty much the only ones I've had that are tropical, so I'm at a loss :/ I only knew of tetras as the main schooling fish, and a friend said something about barbs or Australian rainbow fish?

It's not a planted tank yet, but I'm working on getting it to be a low light planted tank.

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