Help On Nitrogen Cycle Please


Fish Fanatic
Apr 4, 2009
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I'm abit confused about my nitrogen cycle. Im not getting the results I expected?

Day 6
Temp 25.5
SG 1.025
Ammonia 0.25
Nitrite 0.1
Nitrate 25 ( not sure if I did this correctly )

Day 12
Temp 25.3
SG 1.024
pH 8.2
Ammonia 0.25
Nitrite 0.05
Alk 2.2

Day 16
Temp 26.3
SG 1.023
Ammonia 0.3 ?
Nitrite 0.1 ?
Nitrate 2.5 ?

I've done more tests between Day 6 and Day 16, they came out very simular to Day 12.

There is loads and loads of algae grown, also some red algae, is this normal?
the red algae is cyano i think, you should try and get rid off it.

if there is a bloom of brown algae they are diatoms; that means your cycle is underway :good:

you should be waiting for ammonia to go up, then nitirItes go up, then bother down to 0 i believe

just hold it out for a while they can take a while :)
Also, I've just noticed for the first time. very small white things floating around. I got up close to some on the glass and the look like bugs? are these diatoms?

I dont think ill be able to get rid of the red algae, only a little bit on the glass but the rest is on the rock.
Day 6 and 12 seem to be as expected, Day 16 shows the ammonia has gone up again, I would check the date on your tests and then repeat them.

It is normal for Nitrate to decrease towards the end of the cycle as the diatoms and algae that Bagu mentioned will have used them for growth. It does not sound normal that ammonia has increased, as I say recheck it. I would recheck nitrite aswell as once that has started to decrease it does not normally rise again.
Day 6 and 12 seem to be as expected, Day 16 shows the ammonia has gone up again, I would check the date on your tests and then repeat them.

It is normal for Nitrate to decrease towards the end of the cycle as the diatoms and algae that Bagu mentioned will have used them for growth. It does not sound normal that ammonia has increased, as I say recheck it. I would recheck nitrite aswell as once that has started to decrease it does not normally rise again.

I've just had a look at some sites, and it sound like the white bugs could be copepods & amphipods, these shouldnt do any harm should they?

I'll recheck both of them results.
Pods are a good sign as they show the tank is maturing and can sustain life, some fish love these as they are a source of food for them so that bit is great news.

was the LR cured bfore you added it to the tank? also what sort of water are you using?
The copepods and amphipods are good as jeasko says.

To get rid of the red cyano on rocks (belive me this works, I had it in volcanic proportions, pics in journal) you will need a piece of equipment that I now deem to be essential, it is called a Turkey Baster, use it to blow the cyano off along with any die off on the rock (it will kick up a hell of a lot) then siphon this out. It may take a few attempts to get rid of it.

Have you tested your phosphate level??

Are you using phosphate remover??

We will know more about the cycle once you have repeated ammonia and Nitrite.
Pods are a good sign as they show the tank is maturing and can sustain life, some fish love these as they are a source of food for them so that bit is great news.

was the LR cured bfore you added it to the tank? also what sort of water are you using?

Thank god for that, I was abit worried when I saw them.
Yes the LR was cured and I got my ro water from the lfs.

The copepods and amphipods are good as jeasko says.

To get rid of the red cyano on rocks (belive me this works, I had it in volcanic proportions, pics in journal) you will need a piece of equipment that I now deem to be essential, it is called a Turkey Baster, use it to blow the cyano off along with any die off on the rock (it will kick up a hell of a lot) then siphon this out. It may take a few attempts to get rid of it.

Have you tested your phosphate level??

Are you using phosphate remover??

We will know more about the cycle once you have repeated ammonia and Nitrite.

I'll try getting rid of the cyano when I do all the test, I'm testing everything today.
No I haven't been using a phosphate remover or been testing for it. Do I need to be doing that?
'll try getting rid of the cyano when I do all the test, I'm testing everything today.
No I haven't been using a phosphate remover or been testing for it. Do I need to be doing that?
What make test kits are you using (most folks are using Salifert which seems to be the recognised norm)
Start using a phosphate remover compound (preferably in a reactor) Google Two Little Fishes Or Phosban reactor.
Start using Activated Carbon
Utilise a skimmer if not already doing so
The best kit and only reliable phosphate kit on the market (within our price range) is
Hoover all the Cyno and try for a little more flowrates. Surface water included.
Test again with these (if poss) and get back with your findings

What make test kits are you using (most folks are using Salifert which seems to be the recognised norm)
Start using a phosphate remover compound (preferably in a reactor) Google Two Little Fishes Or Phosban reactor.
Start using Activated Carbon
Utilise a skimmer if not already doing so
The best kit and only reliable phosphate kit on the market (within our price range) is
<a href="" target="_blank"></a>
Hoover all the Cyno and try for a little more flowrates. Surface water included.
Test again with these (if poss) and get back with your findings


I'm using red sea test kits at the minute, but when they start to run out I'll replace them with salifert kits.
I will get a phosphate remover compound and activated carbon, but I can't really get a reactor
So, how could I place these in my tank? I have an internal ( with filters taken out ) what my protein skimmer is in. There is quite alot of space under the skimmer, but that would have poor flow rate?
Will salifert test kits be adequate of phosphate, or will I have to get the more expensive ones?
What do you mean by surface water included?

Could I use a Rowaphos sponge with carbon, in my internal box if I could get a good flow rate in there?
Rowaphos is pretty expensive and there are alternatives available Fe is Fe in my book.
You would need to have both Phos remover and Activated Carbon in a good flow area.

red sea test kits
Not great test kits M8 IMHO I started with these and compared to Salifert they were way off also when you are trying to relate to someone your stats it is widely assumed you are using Salifert kits.

Will salifert test kits be adequate of phosphate, or will I have to get the more expensive ones?
Adequate but not the best

but I can't really get a reactor
Cheap as chips if you buy second hand or look at Cleartides.

What do you mean by surface water included?
Point a powerhead upwards slightly to bounce off a pane of glass and disturb the waters surface.

Rowaphos is pretty expensive and there are alternatives available Fe is Fe in my book.
You would need to have both Phos remover and Activated Carbon in a good flow area.

red sea test kits
Not great test kits M8 IMHO I started with these and compared to Salifert they were way off also when you are trying to relate to someone your stats it is widely assumed you are using Salifert kits.

Will salifert test kits be adequate of phosphate, or will I have to get the more expensive ones?
Adequate but not the best

but I can't really get a reactor
Cheap as chips if you buy second hand or look at Cleartides.

What do you mean by surface water included?
Point a powerhead upwards slightly to bounce off a pane of glass and disturb the waters surface.


It's not the price of the reactor that is the problem, its where I put it.

Temp 25.8
SG 1.024
Ammonia 0.25
Nitrite 0.05 - 0.1 ( my eyes aren't good eough to tell )
Nitrate 2.5

Does this look better?
Yer i've had a fan o it and patio door open all of the time.

Day 23
Temp 29.4!!!!
Nitrite 0.05-0.1
Ammonia 0.25
SG 1.024-1.025

cyno is starting to go crazy so going to put in phos and carbon pad.
Green algae has been crazy for awhile
My results hardly ever seem to change, I want to get something in it! haha

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