Help On Getting Started On My Plan For My 50 Gallon


Fish Fanatic
Sep 5, 2006
Reaction score
San Francisco, CA
well i have a 50 gallon aquarium n im plannign to convert it from a chiclid tank to a planted aquarium so can some1 help me to get me started

now i have 2 shoplight(can i use these things) 80 watts each over all is 160 (wat is the minnimum watts that i should have on my 50 gallon tank for healthy plants) because my shoplights barely fits on top of my tank

i have a normal gravel do u think i can use a regular one or do i have to use those tiny ones but first can i use a gravel insted of a soil

i have fluval 404 for 100 gallon tank


so wat kind of plants can i put on it i want it to look wit some low point and d other half is goin to have taller plants

so as u can see im very confussed right now and i dont kno wat to do next so do u guys think you can help me on building my planted aquarium
ok where to start...

you should first make a decision regarding amount of time and effort you want to put into this tank. If your looking for something that is going to require less work then you have to make adjustments. As of now, with 2 shoplights (160watts) your looking at 3.2 watts per gallon. At 3.2 wpg your going to need some sort of co2 injection as well as a fertilizer regime. If this doesn't rock your boat then you can always use one shoplight and your looking at 1.6 wpg, which is ideal for a tank with no co2 injection and little fertilization. My suggestion is to use one shoplight as your only a beginner and high light tanks with co2 injection and a full fertilization regime can be a little complicated and time consuming, as well expensive. After you make a decision we can then discuss the rest of the situation.

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