Help!! Oily, bitty scummy water.....


New Member
Apr 7, 2004
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Harrogate, Yorkshire
I have had a fish die - no idea why, did look fine, but was a new fish to tank. The problem is that it may have been in the tank, dead, for up to 24hrs. The fish had started to be eaten and once noticed was removed immediatley. The water had a solid scum on the top and was full of bits (dead fish probably).

I immediately did a nearly 50% water change & removed a dead blue ram that was hidden under the pump. What I did notice about the water was that it felt oily?

This was on Saturday night and then on Sunday everything else was still alive but looking iffy. Couple of hours later another blue ram died and was removed immediately. Won't have been in the water anymore than an hour max.

On Sunday night they seemed to be gasping and kept going to the top of the water. This morning I have done another 50% water change as the water is still very bitty even though the fish don't look quite so bad.

I have some big fish that I have had for some time now and don't want to lose them!! All the fish that have died have been new ones, 2 put in about 2-3 weeks ago and one put in on Wednesday of last week. These are the first new ones I have had for a while. Anyone got any ideas what could have happened and how do I get my water okay again. Was it just oily because of the dead fish in it? Hopefully the 2 water changes will have done it?

PS How do I add the list to the bottom of postings that says what fish I have and tank size etc???
The tank is a Juwel 260 (or 280 can't remember).

Aeriation - it has the Juwel pimp and filter etc. No live plants as I have golden severums and they shred them.

Don't know on nitrate levels pH etc. Used to check it regularly but never do now. I know what some people are maybe thinking!!! However, I do not normally get any problems at all.
Check reqularly or just when do water changes?

I have had the fish I have got for some time and do not get problems with them and don't normally get problems with new ones either.

Is this water problem just because of the dead fish being in it? In which case did I ought to start fiddling with water quality which, presumably, is normally acceptable to the fish?
If they are gasping for air, I think it's the scum on the surface that prevents air from getting in the water.

I had this problem before so I bought a surface skimmer. Works perfectly and never had surface scum problems anymore.

Btw, it could be overfeeding that caused the problem :unsure:
I have used paper toweling to remove oily film and such from the surface. I lay it on then remove it right away and repeat with new sheet till I can't see it any more.

Will cut down on the food as with putting new fish in have increased slightly. Also will try the paper towels as that could be a good way to remove the scum.

Thank you for those ideas.

They seem to be better now after the two water changes and luckily haven't lost anymore. The water is still bitty so may have to change more in a few days and keep an eye on the filter pads.

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