I brought home a new betta two days ago, and noticed that he has a small white spot on the top of his head and another a bit along his back. I'm not sure if its normal or not because I know white spots can indicate ich, but he has white fins on a pastel body anyway so I thought it was just a normal color spot at first. The spots are small and very symmetrical... Can you guys give me an opinion?
Unfortunately I dont have a lot of info on tank paramaters yet, I had to toss my old chemical test strips, getting more in mail tomorrow.
His temp is at 82.
Brought him home from Petco two days ago, his cup was very dirty with some food on bottom. Looks like they were feeding pellets, which is what I'm feeding him (though I've only fed once so far).
There is appropriate amounts of water conditioner and aquarium salt in the tank, shouldnt be any other chemicals...
Havent done a water change yet, but again he was only introduced two days ago.
The tank is 3 gallon with a filter, heater, and bio wheel; some soft plants. Hes alone in there.
Here are two pictures of him from above for reference.
Thanks =] I'd really rather not have him die on me for obvious reasons
I brought home a new betta two days ago, and noticed that he has a small white spot on the top of his head and another a bit along his back. I'm not sure if its normal or not because I know white spots can indicate ich, but he has white fins on a pastel body anyway so I thought it was just a normal color spot at first. The spots are small and very symmetrical... Can you guys give me an opinion?
Unfortunately I dont have a lot of info on tank paramaters yet, I had to toss my old chemical test strips, getting more in mail tomorrow.
His temp is at 82.
Brought him home from Petco two days ago, his cup was very dirty with some food on bottom. Looks like they were feeding pellets, which is what I'm feeding him (though I've only fed once so far).
There is appropriate amounts of water conditioner and aquarium salt in the tank, shouldnt be any other chemicals...
Havent done a water change yet, but again he was only introduced two days ago.
The tank is 3 gallon with a filter, heater, and bio wheel; some soft plants. Hes alone in there.
Here are two pictures of him from above for reference.

Thanks =] I'd really rather not have him die on me for obvious reasons