Guy With Dying Molys


New Member
Jun 8, 2011
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hello everybody..ive got the fish bug and went and baught a biorb life 60..i did exactly as the instructions said..i added 2 small molys and they seemed fine..then after 3 days i noticed stringy poop...then one of them was always at the top eating the air bubles wile the other one was doing what fish normaly do...then on day 4 the black moly is on the bottom not moving and breathing very fast..the other one is no doubt doing the same somewere but hiding i cannot find it yet...i tested ph is fine..nitrate is fine..amonia is fine..and a took a sample to the shop for a test and he said it was fine...this tank is clean and only been running for 5 days..

what am i doing wrong??? so sad to see it...also what should i do with it..

big thank you..
Sorry for your loss :(

And sorry no-one was around to help; that's not like this site.

Even though your ammonia tested as fine, I suspect your fish died to the fact your tank isn't cycled yet; that is hasn't built up a colony of friendly bacteria in the filter.

Have a read of the 'fish-in cycling' article in the beginner's resource centre (link is in my sig) and keep testing your water. Do get a nitrIte test as well if possible and if you see any sign of either ammonia or nitrite do a big (50% or more water change (warm, dechlorinated water, of course!).
I'm just wondering as I also have a biorb 60 how high did you fill your water level? The fish was probally at the top gasping for oxygen as the tank is full too high, also stupid question but do you have a heater?
I'm just wondering as I also have a biorb 60 how high did you fill your water level? The fish was probally at the top gasping for oxygen as the tank is full too high, also stupid question but do you have a heater?

hi..i filled it 2 inches above the top as it said in the directions..also yes i have a heater keeping a constant 26 to 27

Sorry for your loss :(

And sorry no-one was around to help; that's not like this site.

Even though your ammonia tested as fine, I suspect your fish died to the fact your tank isn't cycled yet; that is hasn't built up a colony of friendly bacteria in the filter.

Have a read of the 'fish-in cycling' article in the beginner's resource centre (link is in my sig) and keep testing your water. Do get a nitrIte test as well if possible and if you see any sign of either ammonia or nitrite do a big (50% or more water change (warm, dechlorinated water, of course!).

hi and thank you...yes but i did do all the water test and the shop did the water test to and they said the water was fine..but obviously something isnt rite..when you say with dechlorinated water do you mean just add the additive you get with the tank or i havr the interpet (raw tap water )

regards d
You should always use a dechlorinator in any water going into your tank as the chlorine gas in tap water damages the fish's gills and will kill off the good bacteria you're trying to grow.

There are loads of different brands, but they'll say on the bottle 'tap safe' or 'makes water safe for fish' or something like that.

Some of them promise stress coats or cycling and things like that; don't bother with those; you just want a plain dechlorinator.
You should always use a dechlorinator in any water going into your tank as the chlorine gas in tap water damages the fish's gills and will kill off the good bacteria you're trying to grow.

There are loads of different brands, but they'll say on the bottle 'tap safe' or 'makes water safe for fish' or something like that.

Some of them promise stress coats or cycling and things like that; don't bother with those; you just want a plain dechlorinator.

ok thank you

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