Help! New Betta Breeder


New Member
Jul 25, 2019
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I am new to breeding Betta fish and I think I have some very common bettas. I have pictures below but the male is silver with turquoise and red fins. The female has a black face and the rest of her body is a dark blue. I have been researching the breeding process and will also be transferring them to more equipped tanks after the process. I have been reading that determining the colors of your fry is close to impossible but does someone have any experience with these colors of bettas and have a good prediction of what colors my fry might be? Also what is a reasonable estimate of the amount of fry that will hatch and survive? Thank you, and if I am wrong on any of the info above please me know so I can correct and not hurt the process or my fish.

IMG_20190725_213941006.jpg IMG_20190725_213953187.jpg MALE

IMG_20190725_213644140.jpg FEMALE
Hello, they both appear to be crowntails so they are likely to have crowntail fry, the females colouring will be dominant over the males so it is likely all if not most will be blue and red crowntails by the looks of things.
Hi and welcome to the forum :)

Regarding colour, some of the young will look like the mother, some will look like the father, and some will be a combination of both parents. Some might even look like their wild counterparts, which look nothing like either parents.

If you look after the young and they all survive, you could have 500+ babies. If you make a mistake, you might get 1 or 2 survive and the rest die.

The following link has information about culturing food for baby fish.
Hello, and welcome to the forum! :hi:

I agree with the 2 above. Breeding betta fish is a very careful process. The fry are super small, and the male fry will need individual tanks when they get older.

The link that @Colin_T provided is a good one. :)

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