Help Needed


New Member
Sep 11, 2011
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hi i have a 250ltr tank that has been setup for well over a year now on the weekend i went to my lfs and got two new fish a m/f green swordtails
and some new plants just went to feed my fish and noticed one white spot on the females fin and one on her side also one that looks yellow on the males green sword iv looked all over my other fish and non of them seem to have any of these spots does anyone now what this is or how it can be treated ?

thanks steve
sounds like ich to me... there are treatments (i dont know of them sorry)
It may be ich. You can google for more information. Here is 1 of them:
Do a google image search and see if it looks like what you are dealing with. If it is, there are many, many different "cures" on the market. Without knowing what you have in your tank, I can't advise what medication to use. Some fish are sensitive to certian medications. Personally, I turn the temp up to 85F and dose with salt. But if you have scaleless fish, this will do more harm than good. If you have rams, they do not tolerate salt well ect... See where I'm going with this? If all you have is livebearers, then I would try the salt and temp method. Plecos don't do salt well either. Some of the meds can be given at half dosage if you have scaleless fish. Whatever method you choose, don't forget to remove the carbon in your filter(if you have any) first and vaccume the gravel really well.

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