help needed with ozonizer and controller


New Member
Apr 23, 2005
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I,ve had a sander ozonizer 50mg brand new in a box since i purchased my setup 4 weeks ago. After doing some research on ozonizers I decided that I was not going to use it without a controller.

Today I went out and purchased a controller and probe i set the controller to a setting of 350 but hen i put my probe in the water its already reading 360 :dunno: so my ozonizer hasnt even switched on.

Being a bit of a newbie to marine how can I already have a reading of 360 if my ozonizer has not even turned on yet?

Btw here is the basics of my setup just in case its needed

36" x 17" x 22" tank
2 x fluval 304's on spray bars
3 x maxijet 900's on a wave maker
deltec mce 600 skimmer to which my ozonizer is connected to on the air input * carbon in the filter box
23kg of live rock
3 x flurescent 35w white tubes
1 x marine blue 35w tube
sg 1.024
temp 80 deg f

Thanks in advance for any help
To be honest redox potential gets ridiculously complicated very fast.

Organic compounds in the water are generally reducing agents, so if you have a new tank without much organic waste this might be the cause of your reading.

Its also worth noting that a particular number for redox potential doesnt really mean much- it's how the number changes over time that it important.

Anyway its beyond me to explain futher so I will defer to an article:
ahh interesting read :crazy: lol i,m more confused now than i was before thanks :D
only joking,
so basically if my orp reading is 360 and i set my monitor to 350 that means it will only switch my ozonizer on when my water quality is low which is a good thing, I think

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