Help Needed! Is It Snails?


New Member
Aug 31, 2007
Reaction score
East London

i just woke up to see i got these little white things on the bottom of the tank there too small to take a pic i first thought they where fish eggs or something
but they move slowly they got a white shell shaped pointed back and tiny two tentacles sticking up.ARE THEY SNAILS? please help me and what can i do i got a 3 ft by 1 ft aqurium tank with 2 water filters running at the same time and with the bubbles aswell, i have got tropical fishes in there and 2 catfishes, i got crystal black gravels or something shiny like glass,or is it that the gravels just need cleaning.i do a water 25% water change after every week, please help me in what i can do ????

If everything you buy for your tank is checked and better checked and then checked some more before you put it in the water, there really should be no worry of snails

But it does sound like young 'un's to me. Check out a snail section of the forum.
Personally I'd be removing as many as I can see before it's too late.

i just woke up to see i got these little white things on the bottom of the tank there too small to take a pic i first thought they where fish eggs or something
but they move slowly they got a white shell shaped pointed back and tiny two tentacles sticking up.ARE THEY SNAILS? please help me and what can i do i got a 3 ft by 1 ft aqurium tank with 2 water filters running at the same time and with the bubbles aswell, i have got tropical fishes in there and 2 catfishes, i got crystal black gravels or something shiny like glass,or is it that the gravels just need cleaning.i do a water 25% water change after every week, please help me in what i can do ????


If they have pointy shells you may have Malaysian Trumpet Snails, these aren't too much to worry about but they do breed like wildfire and will get out of control if not stopped. I however have 3 loaches that work great as a natural snail control they love scoffing down the baby's, it actually makes a great food source. If you are going to get loaches though do research adult size as some will be inappropriate for your tanks size.
it is too tiny to be like a Malaysian Trumpet Snails but maybe it can be when its fully grown i was just wondering how did i get them i never had snails before ,how often do you need change or clean the gravels?

thank a lot people
You should clean your gravel every week with your regular maintenance anyway really.
really i didn't know that , so if i clean my gravels with a siphon would i manage to lose the snails ?

cheers for advise

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