Help Needed - Glue In Tank.


Fish Fanatic
Oct 2, 2005
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I need some help - I just managed to break my powerhead and cant fit it back into the tank.. The only way is to glue is back together.

Can anyone tell me if i could use Araldite (two part epoxy) and if it will be safe in the tank (in the water)? My LFS said it would be fine.

Any advice?



(posted in emergency topic too)
Soneone - Please help....

I need to get my filter on again!

Me personally, i would only use aquarium sealent to glue stuff back together. Glue not intended for aquaium use could contain anything- i don't know much about Araldite, but glue can contain some pretty toxic ingredients that i'm sure can't be good for fish.
Thanks for the reply.. as it happens i found an old powerhead that broke about a year ago (new it would come in handy)..

I did look on the back of the epoxy box and there is an image which says Danger to Enviroment with a picture of a dead fish!!!!! This answered my question!!!!!!!!
Tank sealant is silicone and it will not reapair any of the plastic componenets of a filter system. Use a two part epoxy it is available in different setting times, it is also available as steel or aluminum filled so that it is thicker and easier to handle. Use fine sandpaper or steel wool to rough the mating surfaces clean and dry them thouroughly and then glue. You may want to experiment with the glue and some toothpicks to get a feel for how to use it before attempting to glue your parts back together. Once the epoxy has set and cooled it is inert and will not harm your aqaurium in any way? Scott

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