help needed for a 15g tank set up for puffers

puff puff

New Member
Jun 29, 2004
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I have a fully cycled 15 g freshwater tank (which I am prepared to change to brackish...although i understand the puffer may come from LFS from FW despite needing BW, therefore requiring drip change). It has a ph of between7-8 and excellent water quality.
I have fallen in love with puffers and need advice as to which ones to get, how many and could i possibly have crabs in the tank?
Advice much appreciated. :/
i wouldnt mix the crabs in puffers unless the crabs are the puffers food, id say 2-3 but u need to heavly load it with hiding spotes,plants ect. if they came from your LFS and there in FW make them slowly adapt like pour a little of ur tanks water into the bag or something.
Thank you. Undecided as to which puffers to choose. I am keen to know which puffers would be suitable for my type of tank and then adjust the decor, decide on FW or BW following that.
Is it just Dwarf that would be appropriate for my 15g? And that would have to be FW?? :thumbs:
If you get dwarfs you could have about 5 in a 15 gallon. Just make sure they have plenty of caves and plants to set up territories. Puffers will eat any crustaceans you put in with them (unless you are really lucky)

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