help needed A>S>A>P


Fish Addict
May 25, 2003
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My silver mollies left eyes is swollen up and it looks like it is goin to explode i needed a answer quick!!
Sounds like popeye - it's caused by poor water conditions. Any others with the same symtoms? What are your water parameters?
I am new to fish and bought serveral books. Pop-eye was a disease I read about.

In "The Everything Tropical Fish Book," the description is just that the eyes appear to be bulging from their sockets. The book says to check the water quality and not to feed for a few days.

In "Mollies, Keeping and Breeding Them in Captivity," the author writes that pop-eye was one of the diseases he first encountered before realizing that mollies need salt. They can die. It can spread, so consider separating the patient. If water quality is good, then it may be bacterial. The fish can recover but the eye could fall off. His lists remedies as fixing water quality and treating with antiboditics.

I have never seen this but I did just lose my mollies to dropsy. I used the mollie book for guidance as to ending their suffering. The author suggests putting the fish on wet paper towels and putting into a zip lock bag and into the freezer for a painless, permanent sleep. This method also provides a "coffin" for when children are involved.

I wish you the best, and I hope your story ends better than mine. :sad:
no other fish seems to have "popeye" but im montering one other silver mollie that might have it the other mollies partner> 7.5 is the ph lvl!
i only cleaned the tank out last saturday i took all the fish out and gave it a good clean! 8)
As Gad said most likly environmental....

Do you have other tank parameters? - ammonia, nitrite etc....

Whats your maintenance/water changes schedule like?

An antibacterial remedy should help but only if water quality is fine....

Hmmm....looking at your sig. if the fish is the mollie in the 5g then I'd say quite likly a water quality problem as it looks like this tank is way overstocked :unsure: :/

well i dont have 14 baby mollies any more i have 6 thanks to my pleco :lol: and i dont know my nitrate level etc. how do i find that out???
Most lfs will test a sample of you water for you....

....but imho its best to get some test kits of your own :thumbs:

eSHa do quick test tabs - very quick and easy to use and great to let you know if there is a problem with water quality...

Ammonia and nitrIte are two of the most common toxins that can quickly stress/kill fish that are found in aquaria so have tests for these...


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