Help Need Info On Tropical Shark....?


Fish Crazy
Dec 27, 2008
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Please can you all tell me your experiences and knowledge on the different sharks out there. I love tropical sharks but if you google it you get many contrasting views on compatibility etcviews.
silver sharks - get big

red tail black sharks - quite aggressive

my knowledge on sharks is limited. VERY!
i like the ruby (red finned) sharks, but its about 50/50 whether aggressive or not, some say yes, some say no
same here really i know about the same as hawkins red tailed black shark seem like nice placid community fish at 1st then once they start to grow a bit can turn very nasty mine got so bad it used to beat crap out of my blue acara and my severum and had to be re-homed

silver/bala shark grow very big prefer to be in a shoal and need very big tank

great white eats people lol
haha, yeah Jaws is my favourite Lol...

Rainbow (ruby) shark anyone?>?
make you topic title a little more specific so people can actualy heelp you you may want to try .... Help need info on tropical shark....? -_-
I have very little experience, but (like you said) from google and lots of trips to various LFS's and stuff - i kinda think that the red-tailed shark is OK (ish) if given enough room.

Unfortunately, I don't know what classifies as enough 'room'. But I have a 64l community, and apparently that's too small... so I don't know - maybe double that? With lots of hiding places, and not too imposing fish. The red-tailed shark is a herbivore though, so I think it would purely be aggresion and perhaps nipping but not actually killing (hopefully)!

Hope this helps! :fish:
thanks pal but im interested in the other kind known as ruby or red finned or rainbow shark??
The Rainbow, black and RTB sharks are all solitary species so it is a case of one per tank
Balas, apollo sharks and cigar sharks on the other-hand are shoaling species

Rainbows and RTB sharks require a bare minimum of 50USG, they can become territorial and in tanks any smaller this turns into aggression, tankmates of a similar shape should be avoided as they will most likely be harassed.
Rainbows are generally less territorial than RTB sharks but with any species indivdual fish differ

They can be kept in a tank with relatively peaceful species like neons or guppys provided tank is of adequate size

All other species mentioned above shouldn't be kept in tanks of around 5feet in lenght with a minimum depth of 15inches
what about 1 red finned shar in a 35 gallon tank with small tetras and small barbs and corys?

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