Help need info on gold algae eater


Fish Addict
Jun 27, 2005
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Hi all and thx for every one advice on the yoyo. They now seems be a little lazy in my 20 g always rest on their side. But seems pretty healthy and love blood warm :). Ok get back to the topic. After my clown loach is gone all left in my 25g is 13 cardinal/neon and there a little algae grow on glass so I planning buying a gold algae eater to my 25g to eat those junks. Any one keep this fish before are they agrassive?
i belive they are a color form of the chinese algea eater....if so i would asume that they have the same attitudes and habbits and such

maybe u could get some ottos instead
Aggressive slime coat eating suckers, literally. I wouldn't get one. IMO they shouldn't be in the trade and especially not sold sa community fish.
OK thx for the help guys tha. Any other good suggestion for my tank? Like smaller type of algae eliminitor that r not agresive/danger toward other fish.
Ok going to fish store tomorrow to see if they got any :) thx for every ones help.
This is a little off topic but how big r your severums IMCL85? I read somewhere that one severum needs at least a 55 gallon to itself. Cuz they get around 8 inches
There are several species of Ottocinclus, all remain small and are good algae eaters. Ideal for a small tank with peaceful tetras.
If you can find true Siamese Algae Eaters, they do a great job of keeping a tank clean and aren't aggressive at all. If you find a store that sells them, make sure they are TRUE SAE as a lot of stores sell fish as SAEs but they really aren't. There are 3 different fish that look almost identical if you don't know what you're looking for.

True SAE: Stripe down the side that extends all the way into the tail,
Flying Fox: Stripe down side (extends into tail) AND down top of back.
False SAE: Stripe down side but it stops at tail.
>>> true Siamese Algae Eaters,

Whilst this is undoubtably true, the OP is talking about a 25.

The SAE is one of the best algae eaters there is, they are also a shoaling fish to be kept in groups, and grow to a good size. No good in a 25.

All three of the fish you mention can have the black stripe extend through the tail The classic difference is the SAE has a serrated edge to the black stripe whilst the other 2 have a smooth edge.
Ok guys got 2x oto cat from my LFS yesterday. seems doing his job right now. :)

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