
Fish Addict
Jan 18, 2005
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Greece and USA (dual citizenship)
I recently got a tank from my friend who didnt care for it anymore.....There are no fish in it but there were fish in it 3 months ago...The gravel, filter, heater, artificial plants, etc. were not cleaned or fooled around with...WHAT ARE THE STEPS I NEED TO DO IN ORDER TO MAKE MY TANK FISH READY?
After three months with no fish there will be no beneficial bacteria in there, so you are gonna have to cycle from the begining I am afraid. if you are not familier with cycling, check out the pinned topics in this and the tropical chit chat forum.


[EDIT: Nice link wilder]
Do you have a friend in fishkeeping who can give you some gravel and a sponge from his filter.
Ok, if you have a friend with a cycled tank, you could talk them into giving you some of thier gravel (on loan) and put it in a sock and hang it in your tank to speed up the cycle a little. Better still is to get a piece of filter media from that tank and put it into your filter. This can provide an instant cycle for a small amount of fish, emphasis on 'small' amount and 'can', not will. you will still need to test your water to be sure.

No - such products are generaly useless. If you wish to add fish immediately, get only a couple of suitable, small, hardy ones and get some filter media or gravel from an established tank - either from a healthy tank at your LFS or from a friend's tank. Then test your water daily to make sure your tank has cycled (0 ammonia/nitrIte, nitrAtes increase steadily and you bring them down weekly by doing a partial water change with de-chlorinated tap water). Then you can continue adding fish, a couple at a time, on a once-weekly basis. You cannot cut corners with fish keeping. Read through the links in my signature.

edit: sorry, other people have already answered :p I was too slow :)

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