Help! Naso Tang Acting Funny Today!


Fish Fanatic
Feb 14, 2006
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Hey Guys, my Naso tang is laying sideways, he just got up a few minutes ago flapped for a little bit didn't move or leave the substrate, and then kind layed a little sideways again....none of the other fish are affected including a Regal Tang, and 2 clownfish....I can pick him up with the net with no resistance...he will swim but its like he has no choice but to fall.....any idea whats wrong with him. Hes been doing awesome for the past week almost, use to hang out at the top waiting for food and all that good stuff.
jen...we need water parameters and more information to help out. SH
He didnt make it. All water parameters were good. All our other fish in this tank are perfectly fine.
Maybe he had a swimbladder problem :/

Sorry for your loss
What size was the tang and the size of the tank? Naso tangs grow HUGE and they need 200 gallons or more swimming space IME.
If we can have an idea what size the tank is, the other fish that are in there with it and how long you have had it this might help.

Definately not a swim bladder problem IMO. I would calculate its a lack of oxygen as these fish need incredibly high flow rates or very high oxyginated water.
Couldn't have said it better myself Navarre, I would also think that it may be a lack of oxygen in the tank.

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